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Champion Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
chickie72 said:
Here is all I could find from other posts in the forum:

Most of the 82 days is basically a waiting period, the actual approval of a sponsor takes 1-3 days in most average cases. Remember, this is simply a case of verifying some financial and legal information, which I'm sure CIC has access to for their purposes. Also, this is the office that handles ALL sponsorship cases outside Canada, they handle literally thousands of packages per day, hence the waiting. Once the sponsor is approved, after about 2-3 days your eCAS goes active.

Once that is done, your package moves to CPP-Ottawa for transfer by diplomatic mail. Depending on where it's going, that takes about 10-14 days and then it arrives at KG. KG will then upload the files on their system, again this might take about 2-3 weeks after your file leaves Canada. In our case, we were approved on May 9, and out file was transferred to KG by May 19, and by May 25 the electronic file had been created. The creation of your file in KG will trigger another eCAS update, which will show the applicant's details if they bother to enter them (such as address).

After that, in general, you hear nothing from KG and your eCAS will likely go static. That is why I highly recommend the eCAS tracker, as it saves you the trouble of checking it obsessively, because really, nothing much happens on it and sometimes it can be inaccurate, especially when they upgrade it.

After some months you get an "In process" update, which means KG is ready to do something for you. Look out for either a re-do request for PCC and meds, or a PPR to submit your passport for visa insertion if these are still current (done less than a year ago).
If you are cutting it close, they might also ask you for a flight itinerary which has you leaving Jamaica by a specific date. They might also ask to see your original marriage and birth certificates (these will be returned with the passport).

And, that, in a nutshell, is the process. For KG, it can take between 6 months (their current 20% estimate) and 15 months (their current 80% estimate) or it can take even longer (for the 20% that require more than average time). Whatever it takes will depend on your relationship circumstances, on the background of the applicant and several other factors, not all of which will be understood by us because we aren't privy to all the processing that takes place on these applications.

And another one:


Daddy is coming home forum!!! Omg hubby jus got the call!! He has to bring is pp and itinerary to KGN tomorrow and he has to be outta jamaica before the 27th!!! Omg everyone I'm freaking out, crying screaming, I'm so happy!!!!

So I am thinking maybe your friends hubby is close to when his medical expires and he has to leave before it does so they want an Itinerary from his stating when he is going to Canada.
Thanks Chickie.....his meds are good for another few months so I have no idea what this is. I asked my friend once she finds out to let me know and I will post it on here.

And who's coming home....did youe hubby finally get the call or was that someone else???


VIP Member
Mar 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Kingston, JA
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
March 4, 2014
March 20, 2014
March 22, 2014
no it was another person from this forum from long ago lol all i did was put "itineray A" in the search right at the top of the page and a bunch of stuff came up and I just copied what they had posted long ago.....Girl I wish that was me hahahahaha


Champion Member
Apr 12, 2012
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App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
JUNE 27 2012:)
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Chickie babes your time soon come fret not yourself
right now i am comparing your file and it seems to be neck and neck with Allicat's from last year
so if all goes according your hubby should be home by this summer maybe sooner
I know that puss and dog don't have the same luck and that Kingston kinda iffy on how dem do things but i am keeping the faith and praying for you hard darling KINGSTON has no power GOD alone me say and GOD will send your hubby home to you soon .... just continue to trust in him and worship him FAITH MOVES MOUNTAINS


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2011
Hello forum family:

Happy new year to everyone and God's speed with your aprovals and landing stories. My husband and I just spent our first Christmas together. It was wonderful and painful at the same time. We waited a while to finally begin our lives together and when he received the call to pick up his passport last January we thought God is so Good to us. He landed February 6th last year. Imagine how happy we were to find out on Christmas day that we were to expect a baby.. this year. Life could not get any better. We have a five year old and I am what you refer to as a mature mother. My husband is younger but was satisfied with our daughter. I wanted to try again because he is an amazing dad. Well our news just made Christmas xtra special. Prior to this I hated Christmas because it held some bad memories. But as soon as we started to celebrate the brightness of 2013 I began to have symptoms which indicated that something is wrong. On the day I went to confirm my pregnancy I began to bleed and found out I could also bee miscarring. After several emergency runs to the hospital I am sad to announce our baby had only come to spend a short time with us and has now left us broken with the memories of early morning cravings, AND FEELINGS OF EUPHORIA. I am so sad but know this is not about me. I prayed and asked God to change his mind on taking our baby but he has decided and we know he loves us. He would not deny us any good thing. He sees the distant future and prepares our journey according to his knowledge. But it still hurts. I dont think I can try again because of my age and hubby does not want to go through this again because of the way it threathened my own health. Please say a prayer for us. I know this forum is designed to uplift, encourage, and keep positive vibes but I needed an outlet. We did not tell anyone and it is very difficult to go through this loss alone. My husband is the gift given to me by God and it took this loss for me to see how blessed I am to have found him in Jamaica. Despite my families disapproval and prejudice because he was not rich. I see the loss of our baby but i see the blessing in having met him. Ladies and gents I pray your partners get here soon to help you face live troubles. There is no promise of roses and sunshine always and we need our love one to help us go on. Keep me in your prayers as I continue to keep you in mine. I say this baby in a dream and already had a name "Ajali". She has blessed us so much even for just a moment. Please see with mistakes I wont edit.


Champion Member
Apr 12, 2012
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
JUNE 27 2012:)
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Frankfiled i am truly sorry for you loss :'(
It takes a person with great faith to put a positive spin on such an emotional tragedy
praying for you and all the ladies and gents on this forum who have come and gone and are still here waiting and praying for their family reunion God is great and he will reunite all in his time and when he sees fit it is not for any of us to question his timing just to hold the faith and continue celebrating in Gods Glory
blessings all much love
I am truly humbled by your post Frankfield thanks for sharing


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2011
Thank you ready. Today was my husband's first day back to work and I am home alone with my thoughts.(raw and painful). I had to reach out to someone. Thanks for responding.. I read your post and a painful cry from deep inside my belly came out. I appreciate your comments. My faith in God is what I need to move on to the next trial and consequent triumph. I know I could not love this child anymore that its creator and if he sees the need to retrieve it from my womb then all I can do is I cry and surrender to his will.


Star Member
Jun 18, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
Med's Request
21-08- 2012
Med's Done....
14-08- 2012
none thank u lord
Passport Req..
Frankfield, I am so sorry about your lost. I pray that our father will help you and your husband to heal and will give you strenght to both be there for each other during this difficult time. I pray that you will continue to love him and keep him close, because their is no love greater than God's love for us. I also pray that God will give you and your husband what your heart desires for 2013. God is going to heal you and your pain will soon be gone. Just have faith and believe.


Star Member
Jun 18, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
Med's Request
21-08- 2012
Med's Done....
14-08- 2012
none thank u lord
Passport Req..
Thanks for sharing Frankfield, may the God lord continue to bless you and watch over you


Hero Member
Oct 22, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Frankfield I am so sorry to hear about your loss. May God continue to give you and hubby the strength to get through this together.


Hero Member
Oct 4, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
October 18, 2012
AOR Received.
January 24, 2013
Passport Req..
January 24, 2014
February 21, 2014
February 23, 2014
blondie1216 said:
Hey everyone! Here's to hearing some news today!

For those who have just begun their process with Kingston, you may not hear anything from Kingston for a least 3 to 4 months especially if your file has just gotten there. Just speaking from experience as I need to send information to them and I was also trying to see if they had my file and I remember emailing them July, then August and then finally in November when they had started to process my file did I start receiving any kind of information from them.

The most you may get is a "nothing further is needed and try to keep your emails to a minimum" email.. That doesn't mean you file is not there.. they just rarely answer until they start working on it.

I so know how you feel I was going crazy but try to have a little patience.. you will start hearing in no time!

Oh and case specific inquiry is done through Kingston website and it is an email that you can send to ask a question or send info about your file/application.
Thank you Blondie! I would love to just hear from them that it is there, but I know from reading the forum it doesn't really go like that. It is amazing how frantic you can get sometimes when you don't know whats going on! I feel out of the loop. I would take any small email from them at this point!! I will work on my patience, because it is not my strong point! Thanks again for your reply.


Champion Member
Aug 18, 2012
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Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
March 12, 2012
Doc's Request.
Police certificate re-do: Feb 25, 2013
AOR Received.
June 6, 2012
Med's Done....
January 9, 2012 Medical extension: Feb 25, 2013
Passport Req..
December 6, 2013
December 12, 2013
December 25, 2013
frankfield said:
Hello forum family:

Happy new year to everyone and God's speed with your aprovals and landing stories. My husband and I just spent our first Christmas together. It was wonderful and painful at the same time. We waited a while to finally begin our lives together and when he received the call to pick up his passport last January we thought God is so Good to us. He landed February 6th last year. Imagine how happy we were to find out on Christmas day that we were to expect a baby.. this year. Life could not get any better. We have a five year old and I am what you refer to as a mature mother. My husband is younger but was satisfied with our daughter. I wanted to try again because he is an amazing dad. Well our news just made Christmas xtra special. Prior to this I hated Christmas because it held some bad memories. But as soon as we started to celebrate the brightness of 2013 I began to have symptoms which indicated that something is wrong. On the day I went to confirm my pregnancy I began to bleed and found out I could also bee miscarring. After several emergency runs to the hospital I am sad to announce our baby had only come to spend a short time with us and has now left us broken with the memories of early morning cravings, AND FEELINGS OF EUPHORIA. I am so sad but know this is not about me. I prayed and asked God to change his mind on taking our baby but he has decided and we know he loves us. He would not deny us any good thing. He sees the distant future and prepares our journey according to his knowledge. But it still hurts. I dont think I can try again because of my age and hubby does not want to go through this again because of the way it threathened my own health. Please say a prayer for us. I know this forum is designed to uplift, encourage, and keep positive vibes but I needed an outlet. We did not tell anyone and it is very difficult to go through this loss alone. My husband is the gift given to me by God and it took this loss for me to see how blessed I am to have found him in Jamaica. Despite my families disapproval and prejudice because he was not rich. I see the loss of our baby but i see the blessing in having met him. Ladies and gents I pray your partners get here soon to help you face live troubles. There is no promise of roses and sunshine always and we need our love one to help us go on. Keep me in your prayers as I continue to keep you in mine. I say this baby in a dream and already had a name "Ajali". She has blessed us so much even for just a moment. Please see with mistakes I wont edit.
frankfield, from the bottom of my heart I am so sorry for your loss. I am crying a river for you at this moment and I will add you and your family to my prayers. I am glad that you came to the forum to reach out and find comfort. We are all here for you whenever you need a shoulder. And thank you for the reminder that God has His plans for each of us and He will reunite us with our significant others when it is the right time. (((BIG HUGS)))


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2011
Ladies, thank you all for your words of encouragement. It is really wonderful to see this place has returned to a place of comfort for all despite the varying stages of our journey. This too will pass and I know I will feel joy again. The day before I miscarried a scripture popped into my mind.. Well the creator knew I would need it. "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH" I am not a religious person but I believe in the divine presence of God. He knew I would need this reminder when that moment arrived. I kept repeating it and wondering why he would want me to know this. I know now.. not in its entirety but somewhat understand that it is important that we keep joy inside and not allow anything to rob us of it. He will get us through anything. No matter how painful, stressful etc. He is our strength.. as he is for me today. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to start healing. I could have gone all of nine months only to loose our baby at birth or worst in the future. I feel blessed that God choose to begin the process of life in my body and has fulfilled his purpose inspite of my own desire to hold and possess. Listen always for his words of comfort, warning, direction and he will provide the strength you need in trying times.


Hero Member
Jun 1, 2012
Visa Office......
Kingston, Jamaica
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
23-03-2012 received 26-03-2012
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
11-25-2011 extension requested from IO 11-20-2012
Passport Req..
December 27th, 2012
January 14th, 2013 Decision Made!
In a minute!
longdistanceloves said:
Thank you Blondie! I would love to just hear from them that it is there, but I know from reading the forum it doesn't really go like that. It is amazing how frantic you can get sometimes when you don't know whats going on! I feel out of the loop. I would take any small email from them at this point!! I will work on my patience, because it is not my strong point! Thanks again for your reply.
I so remember feeling like this!! Trust me you will have bad days then some good but it will get better! We're here for you to go crazy in the meantime ;D


Hero Member
Jun 1, 2012
Visa Office......
Kingston, Jamaica
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
23-03-2012 received 26-03-2012
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
11-25-2011 extension requested from IO 11-20-2012
Passport Req..
December 27th, 2012
January 14th, 2013 Decision Made!
In a minute!
Frankfield, so sorry for your loss! It's with God's help and friends and family that will help you get through this painful time. God never gives us more than we can bear. Be strong my friend.. Things will work out in the end.. It will be hard but we are all here for you whenever you need us.
My prayers are with you and your family.


Hero Member
Sep 10, 2012
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
November 30, 2012
AOR Received.
December 11, 2012
File Transfer...
January 9, 2013
Med's Done....
November 13, 2012
Frankfield I am so sorry to hear of your loss but happy to know you seem to have accepted it and are coping as best as you can. That scripture is indeed very powerful. Continue to grasp and use it as one of your coping tools. I know as difficult as it is to understand sometimes, we know the Lord knows best. Sometimes it's not until later down the road that we can understand His reason for not allowing something to happen even though at times we don't ever find out, but surely He does. Count all the other blessings and in time you pain will be lessened and you will experience full healing. Still very early days but if you continue on the same path, you'll get there. Very best wishes for you and your family.

frankfield said:
Ladies, thank you all for your words of encouragement. It is really wonderful to see this place has returned to a place of comfort for all despite the varying stages of our journey. This too will pass and I know I will feel joy again. The day before I miscarried a scripture popped into my mind.. Well the creator knew I would need it. "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH" I am not a religious person but I believe in the divine presence of God. He knew I would need this reminder when that moment arrived. I kept repeating it and wondering why he would want me to know this. I know now.. not in its entirety but somewhat understand that it is important that we keep joy inside and not allow anything to rob us of it. He will get us through anything. No matter how painful, stressful etc. He is our strength.. as he is for me today. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to start healing. I could have gone all of nine months only to loose our baby at birth or worst in the future. I feel blessed that God choose to begin the process of life in my body and has fulfilled his purpose inspite of my own desire to hold and possess. Listen always for his words of comfort, warning, direction and he will provide the strength you need in trying times.