blondie1216 said:
I guess he is stressed and trying to not deal with it at the moment. Maybe you should give him a couple days, then he will start everything and make you happy. Men do deal with things differently. I had to stress the urgency for me to get hubby to get fingerprints so that i can sen off info today for fbi clearance.
Mine says, chill, relax, dont let things stress you and then waits for me to say what we need to do next. LOLOL!
We'll get through it hun!! Through God and each other!
I'm thinking what Blondie says here is very true. Men do think very differently and handle things differently as well. I understand what you're saying though. You'd like to feel that he has the same feeling of urgency as you do and you'd like to here it in his communication that he's taking it serious. Perhaps though he does feel the same urgency...maybe he's quite confident in the situation and what he'll present at the interview. He just may not communicate it the same way as you. My thinking is that it's much more effective and efficient to keep a calm level head and try not to stress out as it can cause you to overlook things, miss important information etc... It's extremely important to present Your case properly in order to remove any doubt and you can do this best with clear and calm thinking. Being calm and level headed will convey confidence to yourself, to him and to immigration. You have just under 2 months to prepare, try not to squander any of this time with thoughts of doubt, fear or nervousness about whether or not he will pass, why even consider the possibility that he may not pass? Take your time and do everything that is within your control to prepare and come across as confident (as I understand you will be going along for support). Perhaps (and of course I’m guessing) your hubby’s approach is on the right path here. Nervousness, stress, doubts or fears will only bring up more doubts. Spend this time re-examining your initial presentation of your marriage (confidence is key and so is your presentation). You have some explaining to do about his child and his relationship with the mother and your relationship with each other so focus on how best to do it. It will be both your jobs to make the pieces fit nicely together. AAnd it's not terribly difficult to do bcause it's genuine.
As well as gathering more information also look deeply into what you presented initially, and where you might have left some loose ends untied and questions unanswered. Look for what it was about your initial presentation that did not sufficiently satisfy the question of validity?
Try not to worry too much about whether your hubby sounds urgent or not. Of course only you know him best, but if he’s like most men…they take a different approach altogether and unless you have reason to think he’s incapable of coming through with everything, he could be doing a lot of foot work in his mind alone as we speak. lol.
My hubby is very similar in his approach to things as well and at the end of it all he always knows what he’s doing even though I can’t see it or hear it on the outside.
Obviously this is just my 2.5 cents worth here. But I think you will be fine. As Charlie said others went through it and did very well. The truth always shines bright! So don’t worry too much dear….