hey all... been lurking and rooting for you all, glad to see new faces come and even gladder when the older ones go
anyways, just a comment on the interview... since you'll be there, go with your husband to the embassy... you will allowed to accompany him into the waiting room at a minimum, and let the interviewer know you're there... they may not (probably won't) want to talk to you, but your presence will help add creditability and if the interviewer has any questions/doubts they are free to call you into the office at any time during the interview at their discretion.
and i totally agree on attire, most jamaicans know that they should not enter their own government offices in such a fashion, it baffles my mind that some feel it appropriate to enter a foreign government office of a country they are hoping to be granted access to... this is more important than any job interview you will ever have, there will be other job interviews, unless you're planning on marrying a whole wealth of foreigners there will likely not be other immigration interviews... treat it accordingly! Dress appropriately, speak appropriately, present yourself appropriately... nothing less than that should be an option!
but that's just my two cents...