Congratulations!!Do they send it with the passport if they are using DHL? Because I just checked my hubbys tracking number online and they shipped his passport today.
Yes, I saw DM in ecas. I checked the tracking and it said the passport was shipped at 9:30 this morning. Originally, they told my husband it would be January before the visa would be issued.@LTH2018 when did you courier your passport? Did you see DM on your ecas?
Congrats. The wait is finally over for you. Thanks for sharing. We have DM on our ecas. Unsure when kvo will dhl my hubby passport. Hope they send before january.Yes, I saw DM in ecas. I checked the tracking and it said the passport was shipped at 9:30 this morning. Originally, they told my husband it would be January before the visa would be issued.
How did u create ECAS with a rep I want to do that tooIs ordering GCMS notes would affect me by any chance? the thing is I have a representative and not sure if I should do that. I have no idea when they startedI am just checking my ECAS only. did u create ECAS with a rep I want to do that too
And if you immigrated here you will have a UCI # that you can use to access it as well. Your uci# is on your landed paper. I found that IRCC updated both accounts whenever I would check. The only difference is you will see the sponsor and applicant info using your uci but if you use applicant uci you will only see their info.
Follow this link, scroll down to family sponsorship and select continue. Click on online tool. Then it will lead to terms and conditions page. Click you agree and continue. Next page will ask you to provide the principle applicant information UCI # or App#, last name, birth date and country where they are from then press enter. Then they will provide status of your application
HI Guys!
Congrats on all the new visa recipients
Just wanted an opinion ...
I am finishing up paperwork now to send, but I am contemplating waiting until January to submit, as I know they close for Christmas and everyone operates on GO SLOW during the holidays .. Im aiming for a January 15th submission. Should I wait or submit immediately?
Why wait? No, I think you should go ahead and apply. It took those persons a few months because maybe there was a lot of persons applying at that time. Its the happy season (December) so im thinking maybe a lot of persons will be getting married and planning to apply in January as well so it would be good for you to get your document in before they do. It wont hurt to apply now. Once you have everything ready to apply, go ahead. Remember to also submit a letter with your application about how you met your spouse.reason why I'm deciding to wait is Ive noticed those who applied in dec 2016 didn't get through until about November but those who applied after, got through around the same time, with a few even earlier... am I right or nah? could all just be in my head
Why wait? No, I think you should go ahead and apply. It took those persons a few months because maybe there was a lot of persons applying at that time. Its the happy season (December) so im thinking maybe a lot of persons will be getting married and planning to apply in January as well so it would be good for you to get your document in before they do. It wont hurt to apply now. Once you have everything ready to apply, go ahead. Remember to also submit a letter with your application about how you met your spouse.
Why wait? No, I think you should go ahead and apply. It took those persons a few months because maybe there was a lot of persons applying at that time. Its the happy season (December) so im thinking maybe a lot of persons will be getting married and planning to apply in January as well so it would be good for you to get your document in before they do. It wont hurt to apply now. Once you have everything ready to apply, go ahead. Remember to also submit a letter with your application about how you met your spouse.
Hi, I agree with Mel. If you are ready send now and do not wait. There could be many reasons why there was a delay. When I look at the spreadsheet it appeared the delay was in Kingston not in Mississauga and that whatever cause the backlog was taken care of why many applications sped up in the months following. Look at my took 40 days in Mississauga for SA but we got called for interview 3 months after they received our app in Mississauga. There are May/June applicants still waiting for a call from Kingston. Everyone application is different. I would not wait.Im afraid of it sitting on someones desk right throughout the holidays and then all of January being piled onto and it delaying the app.
He has my daughter with him Jamaica attending school and I would really like for him to be here by Summer, so my daughter can make a smooth transition into school here.
I'm assuming you are here on vacation, if so that would not affect the application as long as you have a fixed address in Canada and your job there. That would be your primary residence. I would go ahead and apply as soon as the documents are in order.On another note .. I am currently in Jamaica with my hubby .. so I am contemplating if that would affect my application as they might say that I am not "residing" in Canada .. do they chec with immigration during this process?