Very rightly said, to succeed in life ATTITUDE is very important. After working in many countires and many jobs i realized the truth. A person with bad attitude will mostly suffer and create problems to others and for himself. I see some people have problem with almost everybody, they are always vexed, always criticise and blame others (I am talking about professionals). Socialistic view, care and love for others, extending helping hand will do wonders in your life. If the help is not coming in materialistic way, then surely it is spiritual, more mental peace, more satisfaction from almighty God, no matter where you live.. at any corner of the world.maharlika said:anywhere in the world is not a sure place to live even in our very own country..what is important, is that, a person knows how to adopt and adjust to any situation he is in, and the most important weapon is ATTITUDE...intelligence does not count if a person has an attitude problem...just like with the example given above by tran...though a person is not equipped with intelligence but he has the right attitude, then luck and opportunities come in every direction...
most of all, lets not forget our Creator, who knows everything good for us
We should learn to stop and think every day, before going to bed each night asking questions ourselves- did I hurt anybody toady? How many times I lied toady? How many people I backbite? Did I make some one happy/smile toady? Did I make some positive contribution to the society with my actions/deeds or whole day I was criticising people, government, country? Did I pray to God toady and thank him for his unlimited blessings and bounties bestowed upon me? Is there any improvement in my ATTITUDE over the period of time or I am going worst day by day and going to die like this? How did I behave with my family, freinds and relatives today, was my behaviour selfish and self centered? It is all count towards an attitude. For good attitude people life is heaven, they always think positive way and for bad attitude people, life is hell.
BTW, charity starts from home, first of all we must be good to our spouses, children, parents. Are these members of my family are happy with my attitude towards them? Then it goes to relatives, friends and colleagues. If I improve my attitude, my almighty God will be happy with me, I will enjoy the bounties of heaven on this earth amidst the "hellers". . God will fill my life with joy and eternal happiness, no matter where I live or where I work.. in my home country or in Canada.