My hubby and I met online and when he came to Trinidad, I made it my mission to take him everywhere..And in particular I planned an eco nature tour of the island...turned out he is a nature freak.. (so lucky me i was on the right track!)
On many dates, we went all over, one of the most memorable was the Asa Wright Centre (Bird Centre) There we were on a trail, looking at birds and he said afterwards..that i am his 'bird' his honey bird..
And it sounded cute..though a honey bird (looking up pictures on the net) seem quite dull looking. lol.
So thats me! HoneyBird.
BTW..I call him my shaggy dog. His hair feels like a dogs..(i know weird way to think of it) So he is my shaggy dog... but he doesn't like the so i call him 'shaggy' and another name is 'stiffy' cause he is way too 'stiff' at times (does things by the book, following all rules and regulations) and a bit paranoid. I don't use that often though, cause some people mistake that to mean something sexual? LOL.