Saida...did u remember the time now? Go and read page 196 of this thread ( That was when you were so depressed for not having your 1st AOR
where some of us have gotten ours. ;D I was trying to persuade you then cos you were not really happy....All is now history! Just for you to glorify God, you are now the one delaying your going to Canada: not even CIC Ankara or CIO Canada! Whereas we are still waiting for our ecas to go into "In-Process" God is wonderful. Allah Akbar! 
My sincere advise to you is to manage and get into Canada before you have your baby. It is better to do the processing once and for all. Recall that your baby will become a Canadian automatically without waiting for any period of years. If it is medically Ok for you to do this, please think about it.
May the Lord grant you favour and deliver you of the baby safely and healthly too. In shallah.

My sincere advise to you is to manage and get into Canada before you have your baby. It is better to do the processing once and for all. Recall that your baby will become a Canadian automatically without waiting for any period of years. If it is medically Ok for you to do this, please think about it.
May the Lord grant you favour and deliver you of the baby safely and healthly too. In shallah.
Saida said:Hi Lakh!
Yes, we have done it two days ago.
Very quite, we were alone there, our doctor is very nice.
Made appointment on mobile phone, passed X Ray, they insured me that it is safe for baby...
My daughter did not passed any blood test or X Ray, doctor only looked her common condition.
Asked about vaccination.That is all...
My medicine on the way to London, I would like to inform embassy now that we are expecting baby after 2 month.
Ankara can asked for our passports in 2 month, but I want to wait untill baby born.
How do u think will they send medical for new born or just will asked to pay appl. fee?