Call your bank and find out if there is any attempt of charge. If you used master card there is a chance of getting payment rejected due to security reason. Just check with your bank and in case if you see any denied transaction authorize them to pay the amount...In my case they tried to charge two times and master card denied the transaction for two times ,they(MY Bank) never informed me about the charges...My application got rejectedMatrix1980 said:Dear members, i sent my application on the 17th of Jun, 2010 and still my Visa electron did not charged. I am really weird about this :-X .
I notice that people who sent their application after my date is already charged.
So, anyone tell me Whats going on please
Thank you.
If u r in Canada then you can call to CIO, NS. Probably you cannot contact if you are out of canada. Most probably your application might return if you are not unlucky.Matrix1980 said:I just checked with my bank, the CIC tried to charge on 31 of Aug, but it did not pass because i used Visa electron. This card required the verification number to charge and there was no space on the form to type the verification number. So what you advice members ? Can i call the CIC and tell them about this problem ?
Matrix1980 said:My brother, i just call the CIC center and they told me that they will send me an email if there is a problem with the amount .
What do u think ?
You should call your bank and authorize that payment.. In My case they tried to charge on 24th of june and Next attempt was on just call your bank and authorize..Matrix1980 said:My brother, i just call the CIC center and they told me that they will send me an email if there is a problem with the amount .
What do u think ?
You are right . Inform the bank's CC division about amount in Canadian $ & the merchant ( in our case its Immigration Canada FSW SYNC)rilov said:Call your bank and find out if there is any attempt of charge. If you used master card there is a chance of getting payment rejected due to security reason. Just check with your bank and in case if you see any denied transaction authorize them to pay the amount...In my case they tried to charge two times and master card denied the transaction for two times ,they(MY Bank) never informed me about the charges...My application got rejected
For future applicant if you are using master card . Call your bank and let them know about your possible transaction..weired