Hehehehe...I think we all are (both in the sense of being addicted to this thread, and advised by those who care about us - my husband in this case - to stay away from this addictive thread

) TBH, I think I spend more time on this thread than on checking my CIC account - a big win considering I was repeat refreshing my account before I landed up on this forum

To all naysayers, this thread is the best therapy - and we're making friends before landing in Canada in the process. What more could we possibly ask for, than a readymade circle of friends before we hit alien shores...
A shout out to active members of our 24-27Oct IP2 ark (
@B.B. ,
@lavanya31 ,
@Prashant86_2000 ,
@shishirkona ,
@mathansri gf

et al), of whom some are well poised to complete the PPR formalities, land in Canada and share their experiences with us (
@dalgleish @TOFluv,
@Afaz77 and
@Matt@123). I'd be happy to catch up with you guys and gals once we're all in the promised land