Well the CIC website now says they are working on applications received July 4th...so looks like they forgot about my partner and I (and a few other of us June applicants)!
The way that this process works absolutely infuriates me. I can't believe that CIC keeps us guessing as to whether we will receive an AOR or not, and whether it and/or our approval will come by snail mail or by email. And I think it's outrageous that they they would start working on July applications before everyone from June (and May and April) has at least received an AOR.
Also, I've found it impossible to get through to a call centre agent unless I call exactly at 8 a.m. Any other time, instead of getting put on hold, I have been getting a message saying that all lines are busy and to call back another time, and then getting hung up on! I called about 30 times (because 8 a.m. is not a convenient time for me to call) before I was able to speak to an agent.
Sorry for the rant, it's just that my friends and family are tired of hearing me complain about this and can't really relate to what we're all going through!!
I knew that my partner and I would be in for a long wait when we applied but it's the arbitrariness of the whole process that really gets me down.

I can't believe that some August applicants have already received AORs!
Anyway, will try to be a more positive member of this forum from now on..!