Empirical-Scientist said:
Hi citizens-to-be,
This thread is for July 2014 applications. I'm due to submit mine July 20th with 1096 days of residence. Let's share our prep for submission and timelines here.
Good luck to all!
Dear Empirical Scientist, You mind if I call you ES than Empirical Scientist

, which is a little long to type it everytime.
I finished my 1096 days today however would file the application next week just to pad few days in the calculations ( I guess it is always nice to be safe than sorry)
Since I will be the July applicant, you will see me a lot in the forum.
Question 1 ) Reading from other threads like us it seems there is an average gap of around 2 months between the date of application and the time it come in processing.
My question is how much is the average return time for an application for want of any missed/wrong information or missed document to be attached with application? Is it days or in months. What is the average return time for incomplete application?
Question 2 ) Is there any update on the website for "Received application on such and such date" or the first update on Ecas starts with "Processing Started on such and such date"? There was some confusion about this because some members in other threads have seen their received line gone and changed to processing.
Question 3 ) If there is a Application Received update line on the ecas, does that mean your application is complete in terms of information/document and good for going forward to processing or we should wait until we see the processing line on the ecas to satisfy that it will not come back as incomplete?
Everyone is welcome to give their inputs.