Ravi_07 said:No issues......
U can write 0 in liabilities column
and in asset u write the amount ur showing as proof of funds
nd write the same amount in proof of funds column

Ravi_07 said:No issues......
U can write 0 in liabilities column
and in asset u write the amount ur showing as proof of funds
nd write the same amount in proof of funds column
malenurseindia said:@ spicey...huh??what second photo means???
?i dun understand
Im a nurse, where should my credentials be assessed???malenurseindia said:There are two parts of assessment
1)regulatory assessment in which selected regulated proffession like docter,nurse and phrmacist will go through a system of process in which there education is compared to canadian qualification .you need this to practice
2) academic credential: even if you are already licensed to practice a regulated occupation in Canada, employers may request that you provide them with a formal assessment of your academic credentials in which they assess high school,secondary and post secondary qualifications .lot of designated agencies for assessment is available.choose ur agencies based on ur geographical area refer http://www.cicic.ca/415/credential-assessment-services.Canada for further details
I need to make credential assessment only now to help me to immigrate to Canada, I´m dentist (regulated professional)malenurseindia said:There are two parts of assessment
1)regulatory assessment in which selected regulated proffession like docter,nurse and phrmacist will go through a system of process in which there education is compared to canadian qualification .you need this to practice
2) academic credential: even if you are already licensed to practice a regulated occupation in Canada, employers may request that you provide them with a formal assessment of your academic credentials in which they assess high school,secondary and post secondary qualifications .lot of designated agencies for assessment is available.choose ur agencies based on ur geographical area refer http://www.cicic.ca/415/credential-assessment-services.Canada for further details
@ SPICEY : this poto also i dunt understand y u posted?????????spicey said:
In my opinion buddy,i will advise you to provide an updated(current) reference letters from your employers.jbanny said:Hello everyone,
@ spicey my application was returned last year because credit card payment was declined, I am planning to resubmit in July 2012. The last paragraph of the cover letter says
'' No record of your application has been retained by this office. should you choose to resubmit your application please include this letter and the attached appendices with your application.''
I will like to find out the following:
1. will I require new reference letters?, the old ones were returned
2.will i also require new transcripts?
3.after filling out new forms should I also send the old one? they seem to have been stamped or marked.
please if anyone else can shed light on this, it will be appreciated
steelz said:who's that in these pics anyway ? is that how u look spicey ?