Well guys,
I really begun believing the "different VO quota" theory - that is until today, when my hopes crashed to the ground...
I just got my package back in the mail today, due to NOC 1122 being filled. It was mailed from CIC on Oct 14. My original application reached CIC on Aug 4th and it supposed to be processed by New Buffalo V.O. It doesn't even look like they reviewed more then first 2 or 3 pages of the application because some of the original paperclips were still in place
It's was a crazy emotional roller coaster for me and I've been visiting this forum everyday for the last 2 months trying to gauge the progress of others to figure out my own. So when I've opened my mail today to unexpectedly find the bulky package I was really stunned... What a *censored word*ty day.

But I'm not quitting yet. I will see the damn chimney too. I will try to reapply under different category now. I have one question. If my common-law partner potentially qualifies for one of the NOCs, can we resubmit application for 2 different applicants with two different NOCs in one envelope, or should we prepare 2 separate applications and send them separately?