Mr.Engineer said:
The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight because by then, your body and your fat are really good friends.
hi Mr. Engineer,
do not worry about seniors whom you felt has abandoned the forum...i believe they have not abandoned this forum, like's just that they got very busy packing, some are so busy looking for a place to stay in Canada, others are busy looking for a job so as not to deplete their know once you get in their shoes you'll find the truth in what I am saying now...
others are still here, silently reading, still wanting to give a piece of advise, but since you guys are doing great at giving advises they prefer to be on silent mode ;D nobody will forget how we all learned in this forum, not just on this thread, right? I am still here...although not everyday but i do my best to be kept updated and I am very happy for all the good things that happen to our mates
Cheers to all of us and cheers to NKKD for keeping the spreadsheet alive and up to date despite her busy-ness
Oh, about the fats and body becoming best friends? i think smartlipo is the best solution to the problem hehe, it's safe and non surgical