My pleasure buddy

don't worry we'll still be here on this forum for quite some time and will find other opportunities to cheer up ,even more good happenings for all of us.!!
I keep my prayers alive day and night so we can all make the journey to Canada a dream come true!!
We all deserve a better life in this world and Canada is the country chosen by all of us to live in and become proud citizens.
I consider everyone on this forum my friend because we aspire for better and the common ground in final destination is the bond that connects all of us daily on this forum.
Who knows, I would like to think that,..... in one day I will meet some of the nice people from this forum on the streets of Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, etc etc and remember the time we were all scared and in desperate search for the right immigration answers....
I will start a +1 journey to eveybody who quoted on the last 10 pages for friendship and better blessing vibes for all of the forum members!!!
Cheers ...... 8) 8) 8) and God Bless!!