Thanks JASRAJ, ::: rockstar :::, frustrated!
So it seems it is a general problem that we all have. I think the ::: rockstar ::: suggestion would work.
I have another question :
I've provided a cheque from an local exchange store which is from TD bank and I don't know if it is money order ,bank draft or certified cheque since it is not mentioned on that and also it doesn't have any payer name on it.
1) Is the cheque like this ( without payer name and undefined type of cheque) acceptable for CIC?
>> i don't know what kind of doc. is it. but in my opinion it should have "Pay to" name in which "Receiver General for Canada" should have written.
2) If it is acceptable what should I write in the boxes "payer name" and " payer address" in FEE PAYMENT FORM ?
>>> in the form, u have to write ur own name in section A under Name of Principal Applicant (in this case, u need to go to the bank urself), and no need to write under Name of Payer (if different from the principal applicant) in this case.