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Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London


VIP Member
Jan 27, 2010
Job Offer........
Dec 2012
phdmaker said:
Could any one please share "updated Fund Requirement Chart" for FSW1?

Thanks in advance.
Check the Below Post of Qorax:-

Proof of funds
The Government of Canada does not provide financial support to new skilled worker immigrants. You must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your dependants after you arrive in Canada. You cannot borrow this money from another person. You must be able to use this money to support the costs of living for your family.

You will need to provide proof of your funds to the Canadian visa office in your home country when you submit your application for immigration. The amount of money you need to support your family is determined by the size of your family. These amounts are updated every year.

Number of ........... Funds Required
Family Members ... (in Canadian dollars)
1 ....................... $11,115
2 ....................... $13,837
3 ....................... $17,011
4 ....................... $20,654
5 ....................... $23,425
6 ....................... $26,419
7 or more ............ $29,414

You do not have to show that you have these funds if you have arranged employment in Canada.

How much money should you bring?
a) Find out how much it costs to live where you are planning to settle in Canada.
b) Bring as much money as possible to make moving and finding a home in Canada easier.

Disclosure of funds
If you are carrying more than C$10,000, tell a Canadian official when you arrive in Canada. If you do not tell an official, you may be fined or put in prison. These funds could be in the form of:
• Cash
• Securities in bearer form (eg. stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills) or
• Negotiable instruments in bearer form (eg. bankers' drafts, cheques, travellers' cheques or money orders).

http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/funds.asp#tphp idtphp

Date Modified by CIC:


Hero Member
Jan 11, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
canada1234 said:
Check the Below Post of Qorax:-

Proof of funds
The Government of Canada does not provide financial support to new skilled worker immigrants. You must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your dependants after you arrive in Canada. You cannot borrow this money from another person. You must be able to use this money to support the costs of living for your family.

You will need to provide proof of your funds to the Canadian visa office in your home country when you submit your application for immigration. The amount of money you need to support your family is determined by the size of your family. These amounts are updated every year.

Number of ........... Funds Required
Family Members ... (in Canadian dollars)
1 ....................... $11,115
2 ....................... $13,837
3 ....................... $17,011
4 ....................... $20,654
5 ....................... $23,425
6 ....................... $26,419
7 or more ............ $29,414

You do not have to show that you have these funds if you have arranged employment in Canada.

How much money should you bring?
a) Find out how much it costs to live where you are planning to settle in Canada.
b) Bring as much money as possible to make moving and finding a home in Canada easier.

Disclosure of funds
If you are carrying more than C$10,000, tell a Canadian official when you arrive in Canada. If you do not tell an official, you may be fined or put in prison. These funds could be in the form of:
• Cash
• Securities in bearer form (eg. stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills) or
• Negotiable instruments in bearer form (eg. bankers' drafts, cheques, travellers' cheques or money orders).

http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/funds.asp#tphp idtphp

Date Modified by CIC:
So, it has been increased than previous, and as we submitted our Funds prove as per previous requirement, does it entails that London VO will request for updated prove of funds as per new requirements from us?


Champion Member
Apr 12, 2010
Job Offer........
i dont think so - they should consider your POF as per the guidlines at the time you submitted your app. so you should be fine.

phdmaker said:
So, it has been increased than previous, and as we submitted our Funds prove as per previous requirement, does it entails that London VO will request for updated prove of funds as per new requirements from us?


VIP Member
Jan 27, 2010
Job Offer........
Dec 2012
haral said:
i dont think so - they should consider your POF as per the guidlines at the time you submitted your app. so you should be fine.
I second. The POF has been updated due to the inflation & increased living expenses in canada.


Hero Member
Jan 11, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
haral said:
i dont think so - they should consider your POF as per the guidlines at the time you submitted your app. so you should be fine.


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........
0111 Zubbair 04-01-10 IN PROCESS 15-02-11 2nd AOR 04-04-10 No No

I think zubbair case will be interesting for all of us, becoz his status shows IN Process with dated 15th feb 2011.

I think in 1 or 2 months he will get medicals inshAllah.


Hero Member
Oct 9, 2009
Islamabad Pakistan
Visa Office......
Transferred to London from Islamabad
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
4 Nov 2009
Doc's Request.
1 Jan 2010
4th may 2010
AOR Received.
18th Aug 2010
Med's Done....
June 2012
15-1-15 PP received on 21-1-15
Visas for skilled workers set to drop
Immigrants needed as economy improves, industry groups say
Last Updated: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 | 3:44 PM ET Comments456Recommend17
By Louise Elliott, CBC News
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney boasted this week of a huge increase in immigration to Canada in 2010. But new figures show the department plans cuts to overseas visas in 2011. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
Employment and industry groups are reacting negatively to a government plan to cut substantially the number of visas issued for federal skilled workers this year.

New figures obtained through Access to Information show the government will cut all economic class visas by nearly seven per cent, and federal skilled worker visas specifically by 20 per cent, in 2011.

"The notion of reducing the number of skilled workers we aim to take in 2011 is certainly a move in the wrong direction given where we expect the economy right across the country to be heading," said Elsbeth Mehrer, director of research and workforce strategy for Calgary Economic Development.

"This is a time when we need to ensure we're ramping up to meet worker demand," Mehrer told CBC News Tuesday. "And while we had some great success last year in terms of having our highest ever number of immigrants coming into the country, we need to make sure we keep the foot on the gas to meet labour demand in the future."

In question period Monday, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney noted that in 2010 Canada hit a record high by welcoming "281,000 permanent residents to Canada, 106,000 more than the Liberals did shortly after they came to office and cut immigration levels."

Overseas visa targets

2010 2011 % change
Federal skilled worker visa 69,915 55,900 - 20
Provincial nominees visas 36,650 40,300 + 9
Total economic class visa 161,630 151,000 - 6.6Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada/Access to information release
And when asked about his department's cuts to another category, visas for parents and grandparents, Kenney responded by emphasizing his long-standing effort to boost economic immigration.

"There are tradeoffs. And this government is focused on the priority of Canadians, which is economic growth and prosperity," he said. "Mr. Speaker we need more newcomers working and paying taxes and contributing to our health-care system. And that's the focus of our immigration sytem."

The problem is, the government isn't robbing Peter to pay Paul — it's robbing them both, says Richard Kurland, a Vancouver immigration lawyer.

Kurland, who obtained the target numbers through Access to Information, notes the government is not boosting economic visas overall. In fact, across all categories (including federal skilled workers, provincial nominees, Quebec skilled workers, and the Canadian experience and business classes) there will be 6.6 per cent fewer economic class visas issued this year over last.

"The 2011 targets dramatically show the substantial reduction in federal skilled workers and a slight increase in provincial selection," Kurland says. "We really should be targeting more skilled workers to make up for Canadians' inability to demographically reproduce. We need the young workers to pay the taxes to support the pensions for Canada's aging population."

Vancouver immigration lawyer Richard Kurland obtained details about planned cuts to overseas visa targets through Access to Information. (CBC)
Officials at Citizenship and Immigration caution that the targets found in the documents do not represent the final number of immigrants to be accepted this year. That's because the targets are for overseas visas only and do not include inland claims.

However, experts say the extent of the cuts — specifically to parents and grandparents and skilled worker categories — mean there will undoubtedly be significantly fewer immigrants accepted in those categories this year.

Michael Atkinson, head of the Canadian Construction Association, says the cuts to the federal skilled worker category won't affect the construction industry directly, because those companies have had trouble for years getting workers through the point system, which is heavily skewed toward post-secondary education and language proficiency.

But Atkinson is still concerned about the government's motivation for cutting the economic visas overall.

"If the motivation behind reducing those target levels is, 'Well gee, the economy is improving, we don't need as many skilled workers,' then I would suggest that is a huge mistake, given the fact that just our aging workforce, our aging population, our low fertility rate shows us and other industries that it is only going to get worse.

"We are facing bigger challenges in the future with respect to building our workforce and training them than we ever have before," Atkinson says.

He adds his industry expects to face a shortfall of 400,000 workers by 2018 if government policies — both federal and provincial — don't move with the times.

Atkinson notes the government has taken a step in the right direction by opening a review process of the point system for federal skilled workers.

'We are facing bigger challenges in the future with respect to building our workforce and training them than we ever have before.'
—Michael Atkinson, Canadian Construction Association
The irony, according to Mehrer, is that the government has managed to reduce wait times for federal skilled workers through a new system of ministerial instruction brought in in 2008. Workers under the old system still wait for years for a decision, but new applications that fit one of a list of 29 occupations are being processed in seven to eight months.

That success is leading many employers to believe the government's current motivation is a political one, rather than a policy decision.

"It's really difficult to say, but certainly the speculation I hear from employers here is that it's based on political pressure that may be coming from other parts of Canada, where the unemployment remains higher and where the understanding of the labour market dynamics in Alberta and in much of the west are less clear," Mehrer says.

She adds that the economic recession is no argument for the cuts, as things are improving rapidly out west.

"We're already starting to see re-employment of Canadians and Albertans who lost their work during the recession," Mehrer says.

"I'm already hearing from some industries who recognize that their talent pools are shrinking in terms of the skill set they are going to need. So as much as they may not be in foreign markets right now looking for talent, we certainly expect that by the latter half of this year there will be certain skill sets we simply won't have available in the province."

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2011/02/15/pol-visas-skilled-workers.html#ixzz1ECMZq5uv


Sep 30, 2010
Visa Office......
London UK
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
I got my second AOR on 3rd February 2010.
I have also send them case specific Inquiry to London CHC on 10th December 2010 but same statement that
Thank you for your enquiry.

As of April 1, 2010, applications for permanent residence under the Economic categories for citizens or residents of Pakistan will be processed by our office in London, UK. The economic categories are comprised of Federal skilled Workers, Federal Investors, Self-Employed, Entrepreneurs, Provincial Nominees and Quebec-selected Permanent Workers and Business People. Although Islamabad will continue processing a few applications that are close to completion, the majority are being transferred to London. The file transfer of existing permanent residence applications under the Economic categories is currently underway.

Your application has been transferred and will be processed in London, please be advised that our office will contact you when we are in a position to begin processing your application. Please wait until this time before providing any new information relating to changes in your personal circumstances, additional dependents, new employment, education or new identity documents.

At this point, it is too early to tell what the new processing times will be for these cases in London. We regret that we cannot provide a schedule for the assessment of files and that our office cannot provide status updates at this time.

Our office sends immigration decisions and information requests by post or email to the mailing address or email address provided in the application. Therefore, it is important that our office be notified immediately of any change of address or email address. Please also notify us if you would like to withdraw your application. For all other updates, wait until you are contacted by our office.

We thank you for your patience during this transition period and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.

Yours sincerely,

Client Service Unit (ASV)

phdmaker said:
Have you received your 2nd AOR? If so, send Case Specific Query right away.


Sep 30, 2010
Visa Office......
London UK
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Thanks for your reply.
I hope that your golden words will come true soooooooon.
canada1234 said:
Nobody can exactly give you date that when your e-cas will turn into "in-process". I guess it should take not more than 1-2month.


Hero Member
Nov 3, 2010
Visa Office......
London Visa Office
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
18-Jan-2017, Case file CIC
Doc's Request.
23 November 2016
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
16-07-2013 submit with file online
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
05 July 2017
25 July 2017
1 September 2017


Star Member
May 25, 2010
Hi Staralihaider,

See this news for immigrants:


please put light on this.

Dr. Paro.


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........
News Release

Government of Canada consults on immigrant skilled worker program
Ottawa, February 17, 2011 — Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is proposing changes to the Federal Skilled Worker Program to help Canada select immigrants who have the best chance of integrating and making a better contribution to the Canadian economy. CIC will be consulting with stakeholders and the public on the proposed changes beginning today.

The consultations follow the release of an evaluation of the program, which found that skilled workers are faring far better in Canada than their predecessors, thanks to their stronger language skills and arranged employment. The evaluation does show, however, that there is room for improvement.

“To stay competitive globally, we have to make sure the skilled immigrants we choose are the ones that we need, and the most likely to succeed when they get here,” said Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. “Research points to some key changes that will help us meet those goals.”

The input received through the consultations process will be taken into account in the development of new regulations. The proposed changes could place more emphasis on youth and language ability, and are expected to increase the number of skilled tradespeople.

CIC will consult on:

•requiring federal skilled workers to have a minimum level of language proficiency;
•making the program more accessible to skilled tradespeople, technicians and apprentices;
•placing greater emphasis on younger immigrants who will adapt more easily and be active members of the work force for a longer time frame;
•redirecting points from work experience to other factors that better contribute to success in the Canadian work force; and
•reducing the potential for fraudulent job offers.
The current Federal Skilled Worker Program was introduced in June 2002 with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The program is based on an objective and transparent points system, which considers factors such as language skills, age and education in the selection of immigrants. The system aims to be more effective at selecting those who will succeed economically.

In-person consultation sessions will take place with key stakeholders in five cities across the country beginning February 17. These sessions are not open to the general public or the media. Other organizations or interested individuals who wish to provide input can submit their feedback online until March 17.

Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/CitImmCanada

A summary of the results of this process will be published on our website in spring/summer 2011.

For further information (media only), please contact:

Alykhan Velshi
Minister's Office
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Media Relations
Communications Branch
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
CIC-Media-Relations @ cic.gc.ca