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Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London


Champion Member
Sep 1, 2009
hi all
i recived this msg

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please be advised that your application is still on file. Note that we are unable to provide case-specific processing timelines.

Our office sends immigration decisions and information requests by post or by email to the mailing and email addresses provided in the application. Therefore, it is important that our office be notified immediately of any change of address and contact details.

We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.

pls advice


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........
zakout76 said:
i got this reply

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please be advised that your application is still on file. Note that we are unable to provide case-specific processing timelines.

Our office sends immigration decisions and information requests by post or by email to the mailing and email addresses provided in the application. Therefore, it is important that our office be notified immediately of any change of address and contact details.

We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.

pls advice
Its generic reply.

Dont worry and wait for few weeks.

jimmy page

Hero Member
Feb 19, 2012
FOR PEOPLE who GOT REJECTED: Today, 2 of my friends (pre-june applicants) who applied around 2.5 years ago, in 2009 end, received rejection letter due to job duties mismatched. One received it today, the other one got it last month.
Both Finance Manager. One in Nestle, other one in Telenor. Both applied on their own..and both attached their job duties letter (which had about 25 duties) and also matched it with hrdc site.
I ve been reading this forum, so I am aware of this rejection pattern due to duties. They had no idea and this decision has completely blown them away. May be they have too many finance manager applications, as I ve seen jd rejections r mostly coming for 0111 and 4131.
I myself am from 0111 , awaiting decision, in about 6 months, but atleast I'm prepared for the worst news, since my jd is not even that well defined, since I applied myself n did not know that jd s would matter so much in the end, otherwise I would ve added more stuff (my mistake).
On the contrary, another person i know, applied with a fake job letter as social worker, and applied through a famous consultant, post june, and has already flown to canada...sigh..(I know, its not fair...genuine people getting rejected and some fakers succedding, but hey, that's life!!)
So here s my conclusion: it all depends on 3 things....firstly , your documentation. Secondly, VO s mood. And thirdly, Kismat. If its not God s will, it aint happening.
Point of my msg is not to depress Finance Managers or others who have or will be rejected in future. Point is to be prepared for ANY decision, good or Bad. IF the decision is rejection, look at other options, may be middle east, may be try for canada later, watever, but the last thing u should do is be devastated (I know its easier said than done, as I know this rejection ruins a lot of our dreams, but still , we gotta move on).
And remember, as our history teacher used to say, "not all bad events are bad in the long run". He used to quote the example of World War 2, 1939-1945, and used to say, "if world war 2 had not started by Germany taking over Poland, the law that 'no foreigners can live illegally and stay in another country by taking over it, would not have been passed, hence , 1947, goras had to leave themselevs from indo-pak"....
Ok, point is, not everything that 'seems' bad is bad!! With Allah s help, Life will find the best course for u-inshallah. Just pray, where ever u live, canada, pakistan, or wherever, God gives u happiness n peace. Main point DON'T BE DEPRESSED.
And although I sound bookish/cliched, watever I'm saying is a fact of life, and not some motivational speech I'm trying to put together. As long as we have life, health, and food on the table, we ll be fine :)


Star Member
Apr 13, 2011
jimmy page said:
FOR PEOPLE who GOT REJECTED: Today, 2 of my friends (pre-june applicants) who applied around 2.5 years ago, in 2009 end, received rejection letter due to job duties mismatched. One received it today, the other one got it last month.
Both Finance Manager. One in Nestle, other one in Telenor. Both applied on their own..and both attached their job duties letter (which had about 25 duties) and also matched it with hrdc site.
I ve been reading this forum, so I am aware of this rejection pattern due to duties. They had no idea and this decision has completely blown them away. May be they have too many finance manager applications, as I ve seen jd rejections r mostly coming for 0111 and 4131.
I myself am from 0111 , awaiting decision, in about 6 months, but atleast I'm prepared for the worst news, since my jd is not even that well defined, since I applied myself n did not know that jd s would matter so much in the end, otherwise I would ve added more stuff (my mistake).
On the contrary, another person i know, applied with a fake job letter as social worker, and applied through a famous consultant, post june, and has already flown to canada...sigh..(I know, its not fair...genuine people getting rejected and some fakers succedding, but hey, that's life!!)
So here s my conclusion: it all depends on 3 things....firstly , your documentation. Secondly, VO s mood. And thirdly, Kismat. If its not God s will, it aint happening.
Point of my msg is not to depress Finance Managers or others who have or will be rejected in future. Point is to be prepared for ANY decision, good or Bad. IF the decision is rejection, look at other options, may be middle east, may be try for canada later, watever, but the last thing u should do is be devastated (I know its easier said than done, as I know this rejection ruins a lot of our dreams, but still , we gotta move on).
And remember, as our history teacher used to say, "not all bad events are bad in the long run". He used to quote the example of World War 2, 1939-1945, and used to say, "if world war 2 had not started by Germany taking over Poland, the law that 'no foreigners can live illegally and stay in another country by taking over it, would not have been passed, hence , 1947, goras had to leave themselevs from indo-pak"....
Ok, point is, not everything that 'seems' bad is bad!! With Allah s help, Life will find the best course for u-inshallah. Just pray, where ever u live, canada, pakistan, or wherever, God gives u happiness n peace. Main point DON'T BE DEPRESSED.
And although I sound bookish/cliched, watever I'm saying is a fact of life, and not some motivational speech I'm trying to put together. As long as we have life, health, and food on the table, we ll be fine :)

Very well said Jimmy Page.

I am currently working as Finance & Accounts manager but i applied under NOC 1111 and applied through myself and Didnt knew the NOC's importance, is it OK or I shoud had applied under NOC 0111.



Hero Member
Oct 18, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with documents
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
PPR-1 04-02-2013, PPR-2 11-02-2013
Coming_to_Canada said:
Dear Staralihaider,

thank you for adding me to the list. However, my exact date of applying with CIC is November 12, 2010. however, you have put me as October 12, 2010. please update my correct date.

also any upadtes on the Applications after June 26, 2010?
Coming to Canada
i had applied on 1 nov 10. please tell the latest on you application ?


Star Member
Feb 21, 2012
Job Offer........
kkhan870 said:
Hi Staralihaider
I have submitted my full documents in Jan 2011 to london VO, I claimed 25 points for my degrees, now the problem is that I only sent my Master's transcripts but forgot to sent my Bachelor's transcripts, I tried to send them later on but some of the people in this forum said that wait till they ask for additional documents request because they will not entertain any of these documents at this stage.
Now recently one person was denied because of the reason that they figure out the number of years of education from the transcripts and that person sent the Master's degree but didnt send the transcripts.
Now what do you suggest for me at this stage if you were in my shoes.
Thank you and waiting for reply

send them asap. make a good cover letter why you are sending these documents.

they can not refused to accept additional documents sent by the applicant.

also if they demanded the documents from you in future, it will again be a wastage of time



VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........

zomby said:

Today I recieved an email asking for proof of funds. I already submitted property valuation but it seems they do not accept it as they have clearly stated in the email that they property valuation is not acepted. They have asked me to send detailed letter from my bank or accountant showing all my assets and liabilities or bank statements in 30 days. Currently I donot have enough cash in my bank account but it can be arranged so kindly advise how should I proceed.



Hero Member
Aug 9, 2011
ss1886 said:
Coming to Canada
i had applied on 1 nov 10. please tell the latest on you application ?
Dear SS1886,
i applied on Nov 12, 2010 and got IN PROCESS on Oct 18, 2011. now its been 5 months and still waiting for MR... :(
address disappeared on Jan 27, and still missing..
so keep praying, inshallah things will work out for the best for us..


Hero Member
Oct 18, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with documents
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
PPR-1 04-02-2013, PPR-2 11-02-2013
Dear SS1886,
i applied on Nov 12, 2010 and got IN PROCESS on Oct 18, 2011. now its been 5 months and still waiting for MR... Sad
address disappeared on Jan 27, and still missing..
so keep praying, inshallah things will work out for the best for us..

@Coming to Canada

My address is missing since 27 Jan 12 as well and I went in process in July 2011, still waiting for MR.


Star Member
May 22, 2010
Visa Office......
London office
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
real in-process 17-jan-2012
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
PPR-1 on 2 Dec 2014 and PPR 18 Dec 2014
today i got reply from London office, what does mean ?

Dear Applicant,

This refers to your recent message.

Please be advised that your application is awaiting the review of an
Immigration Officer.

Yours Sincerely,

Immigration Section/Service d'immigration
High Commission of Canada/Haut-commissariat du Canada
1 Grosvenor Square
London W1K 4AB/Londres W1K 4AB
United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni
Telephone/Telephone 0207 2586600
Facsimile/Telecopieur 0207 2586506
Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada


Champion Member
Jan 20, 2012
Job Offer........
y2abid said:
today i got reply from London office, what does mean ?

Dear Applicant,

This refers to your recent message.

Please be advised that your application is awaiting the review of an
Immigration Officer.

Yours Sincerely,

Immigration Section/Service d'immigration
High Commission of Canada/Haut-commissariat du Canada
1 Grosvenor Square
London W1K 4AB/Londres W1K 4AB
United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni
Telephone/Telephone 0207 2586600
Facsimile/Telecopieur 0207 2586506
Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada
This means your file is not yet reviewed by an immigration officer but very soon he would do that. Did you get in process recently? Thanks


Star Member
Feb 21, 2012
Job Offer........
y2abid said:
today i got reply from London office, what does mean ?

Dear Applicant,

This refers to your recent message.

Please be advised that your application is awaiting the review of an
Immigration Officer.

Yours Sincerely,

Immigration Section/Service d'immigration
High Commission of Canada/Haut-commissariat du Canada
1 Grosvenor Square
London W1K 4AB/Londres W1K 4AB
United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni
Telephone/Telephone 0207 2586600
Facsimile/Telecopieur 0207 2586506
Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada

this cud mean that ur file has been allotted to the officer NXR., who will review your application.
InshaAllah you will hav response from them soon.
cuz if the file is not given to any VO. then its a generic reply without signatures of any particular vo :)


Aug 24, 2010
fellows. A week back my status was DM and then in couple of days rcvd all docs back. Coulld you please advise if I should re appeal or review request. My NOC was 0213. Plz also advise what will be the process for asking review.



Star Member
May 22, 2010
Visa Office......
London office
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
real in-process 17-jan-2012
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
PPR-1 on 2 Dec 2014 and PPR 18 Dec 2014
cocknbull said:
This means your file is not yet reviewed by an immigration officer but very soon he would do that. Did you get in process recently? Thanks
in process with date 17-jan-2012, additional dox letter recvd on 2 feb 2012, for submission of Proof of relationship, Proof resident of my bro and my original education dox, recvd by London office 13 Feb 2012, till then i waiting for reply.