Thanks everyone. Actually, I am aware of all the barriers internationally medical graduates face. I am currently doing my PhD on related issue of credential assessment. What I wanted to know is what kind of jobs international medical graduates can do while trying to get their credentials recognized.
I agree with both of you. While one of you presents the best case scenerio, another presents a worst case scenerio. Every year, of the international medical graduate who pass the registration examination, 1200-1500 apply for residency position while 250-350 actually get a residency position. As one of you have commented (the writer from nigeria), their are more applicants than spots available.
I am also a nursing lecturer and it is not uncommon to find international medical graduates in schools of nursing. Moreover, there was a time a short program was created in Mohawk college to train international medical graduates to become nurses. Now, the popular program is a physician assistant program that attracts international medical graduates.
While being aware of the barrier, we are prepared and commited to the part of medical licensure. When my husband arrives in Canda, he plans to work in any job available (preferably in the medical profession) while he tries to register to become a doctor. If he is unsuccessful, he will begin his MAsters in public health. If after the masters we are unsucccessful, there is always the option of moving to the united states where the path is much easier (although also difficult). I need to know the potential job (except unskilled labour) he can do before the masters program begins and in the early months of the masters program. I have been doing some research since the last time I posted the note and found it is possible to get jobs as medical underwriter or first aid instructor if the person has good english skills. Im still looking to see what types of jobs are out there except unskilled labour.
ABELKWH, it will be good to connect with you. My husband is also coming from Nigeria. Are you in Canada already. What stage are you in the migration process.
Thanks everyone for your reponse, I really appreciate it.
Thank you,