Sounds good. Duties match computer programmer NOC 2174.
However, if you could I would also mention that point:
If it matches your duties, if not, your duties are fine and match 2174.
Hi Toby.
Could you please help me as well. It would be great if you can pls help me I am confused between 2173/74/75.
Please find below my job duties and Responsibilities.
Designation : Technology Analyst
1. Worked independently and collaboratively with team members to develop UI/UX workflow and design.
2. Collaborate with developers, Test Engineers and product management for a seamless project development.
3. Provide design support during development and execution; assist with QA to resolve the issues and work with other developers to ensure designs are implemented accurately and with the highest standards.
4. Involved in build and deployment activities of the project, working in tandem with the DevOps for a smooth production deploy.
5. Worked in an Agile Software Development Lifecycle model since inception and followed the best practices of Agile methodology to accommodate dynamic changes in the requirements of the application.
6. Worked on the test cases for the entire application using the newly built testing frameworks.
7. Drafted user stories and associated acceptance criteria in JIRA board. Strategized project scoping to clearly communicate the project roadmap.
The technologies / platforms that he worked on were:
ReactJS, NodeJS, Enzyme, Mocha, Chai, Java.
Rational Application Developer(RAD), Source Tree, SOAP UI, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Jenkins, Kubernetes