Msafiri said:
The UK charges circa $1,400 for an adult application but the qualifying residence time for those not married to a UK citizen is 6+ years...processing time is around 6 months for a routine application. One beneficial feature of the UK process is that the 'citizenship test' is done prior to submission and the results included in the application...why can't CIC do this??
Nevertheless increasing the fees won't make a difference to the applicants if more resource read Citizenship Officers and Judges are not recruited.
Hence the call to charge full fee for applications so they can hire people to process them.
I dont mind increasing the wait time to be eligible to become a canadian citizen. People claim 3 years is too short to show your loyalty to Canada, its even shorter in Australia (1 year if you were on a temporary permit before getting PR).
another absurd thing about the process is the validity of background checks. Whats the point of doing background checks if they are only valid for 1 year and would most definitely expire and will have to be redone? is that not a waste of time and $$?
I wouldnt be surprised if they put an expiry date on test results in the future so they would only be valid for a year and if your application has not finalized in that time after the test, you have to write it again.
The biggest farce is canada's inability to record exits. If they manage to introduce that (which i think they are), the whole RQ thing wont be required.
wishful thinking i guess.