0jenifer0 said:
Hi Maggie65,
First thing the IRCC will contact you is thru your email address that you had provided. If you put your email address at your citizenship application form? From there, you'll received a AOR notice from IRCC indicating that they had received your application like most of us here. On that email, includes your Application number starts at C000 and your UCI # still the same. If you didn't include your email address then you'll get your AOR thru mail.
By the way I received my AOR just a few days ago. I'm using my UCI # for checking my eCAS but you can also used the application # whatever that suits you. Try also to check your email inbox and spam maybe IRCC sent your AOR already. Goodluck to all of us...
WOW - thank you so much 0jenifer0 - your response is greatly appreciated!! Seriously. One other question if I may: approximately how long does it take to get that coveted AOR letter? I sent my application from Toronto area, where I was visiting, on Jan 3rd to the Nova Scotia address. No response to date, either in email or by mail, but I know it's only been a couple of weeks.
Also, if there is a problem with the application, how do they let you know that and in what timeframe? I'd just hate to wait 5 or 6 months only to learn I filled in one section incorrectly and have to start all over again.
Thanks again!