hey there

congrats on the passport requests, wish i would say congrats for more approvals :

i read each and every page every few days i login, i have no updates though...i did read ur opinions abt gouv, policies, family things i agree a little with all....it's true that the notion of family in Canada is different than the notion of family in India, Arab countries, Eastern Europe, etc....but because the culture is different too....each see themselves as family oriented or not from their own culture, perspective and point of view....but this has nothing to do with immigration policies which i also think it's all abt politics...it has nothing to do with what the public feels or wants but the problem is also that the public really does not know much of how immigration works....which is the fault of the media and the way the gouverment is presenting (avoiding to present) things....also, yes they r majority but it does not mean that the majority of Canadians voted for them, they should change the voting way

but now for this first step we have to deal with another issue: job cuts in CIC....of course it's not clear which department has how many cuts but looking at our timelines it's obvious that it has an impact
as for me, no i didn't call....it will give me more unecessary headache and despair....i'm still far from their presented date and so many in front got nothing either so it's no use....i would call if they passed our delivered date which i hope it won't b the case....all we can do is wait
Dr eng X and Amoss thanks for the thoughts

Amoss, hmm, how i do it: well this period was not that hard to b busy, guests, Easter preparations, etc...but i did miss my family too much this Easter, and every Easter, Christmas i wish the next one we can both b in Canada finally!!! so i really understand what u said, sometimes i feel i'm getting crazy being so far, other days i'm just thankfull we r together in a not so bad place and i just wait patiently....our time will come too....well now that the Easter is over i need to find new projects
hehe i see we r more who have their application received on Jan 31st, but looking at others, i have a feeling that CIC will one day say that our applications were actually received at the beginning of Feb :
good luck everyone!! stay sane and hopeful !!