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January 2012 Applicants - Join here!


Hero Member
Aug 28, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jan 6, 2012
AOR Received.
CIC-M:Feb 21, 2012
File Transfer...
Mar 21, 2012
Med's Done....
Dec 16, 2011
Passport Req..
June 14, 2012
July 13, 2012
July 26, 2012
canadiangirl78 said:
We paid all the fees up front. I think it was $1040? The paperwork said if you didn't pay all the fees at the beginning, it would delay the application.
Us too! The guide did mention the possible 2 month day if you didn't pay the rprf up front!

It's good that you got it out of the way :)


Champion Member
Jun 23, 2011
New Delhi
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jan 26, 2012
File Transfer...
May 1, 2012
July 31, 2012 (approved) went "in process" same day
Passport Req..
May 10, 2012
Visa stamped on August 3, 2012 and passport received back on August 13, 2012
Oct 21, 2012
Bobbi said:
I did the same thing I do everyday around this time, called CIC-M. I was told the same thing as I am told everday, you're application is not yet in the system (surprise!). I told them it has been nearly 3 weeks of me calling consecutively, and nearly 3 weeks that the CIC website has not been accurately updated to reflect what they are truly working on! I asked what is a realistic AOR date for people who applied end of January, he said beginning of April.
I laugh when I ask, because I know these agents actually have no clue and say whatever comes to mind.
This is beyond depressing...I have absolutely no hope left :(
they actually dont seem to have any more knowledge about our cases than we have already. they are just reading from cic site only and depending on their mood, they say to call back in 3 weeks or 3 months :-\ :-\. we are also getting very depressed. hope we will hear something soon. its my first and last time im dealing with cic. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Star Member
Mar 5, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
missmini said:
yeeees that's the best advice :) but in a way, i feel we r all in standby until we get something....after that, we know we r in the system so we should live our lifes in parallel with this and prepare for our new life in Canada ;) there r really soo many things to do and think abt....u can start searching for job before, get diploma equivalences (enroll in some courses if needed) and of course see what things u take with u and what things u leave behind ;)
Yes, the courses is a great idea. I have actually been doing a bunch of online courses to upskill myself while I wait to be eligible to work. You'd be astonished at how much more talent and competition there is in the job market in Canada compared to where I am from! I'm not the big fish in the little pond anymore. My personal goal is to become as extraordinary as possible, so I can make a valuable contribution to my new country. Okay, back to work on that! :D

Hey, thank you guys for letting me know about the fees. LOL I can't believe I overlooked that. Sooooo glad I got it taken care of before it turned into a big impact on my wait time!


Star Member
Feb 23, 2012
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
05-APR-12 (In Process 05-MAY)
Med's Done....
pelipeli said:
Ok, so I just called CIC, and the agent I talked to was rather unclear. She said they are still working on applications beginning of January. I told her, why still beginning of January when your website says January 25? Then she says they are working on apps received around January 20th now. I made her repeat it just to be sure, and she said applications received January 20, 21, 22 23, 24 25.
I therefore conclude that the info on the website is so not true and very misleading.
I think the CIC agents are the least helpful and clueless. If you call anxiously you end up feeling despair by the end. It's truly an exercise in futility. I've decided to take call centre fast by not calling until I see posts from fellow members indicating AOR/approvals around the time.

I think the website will be updated by tomorrow, but it'll give Monday's date as last updated (very insincere) and still indicate processing Jan 25 applications.


Star Member
Mar 12, 2012
Calgary Alberta Canada
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
24-02-2012 Passport Sent.: 16-03-2012
21-04-2012 DM on ECAS...: 19-04-2012
liuminparis said:
Hi guys,

I am a February applicant but cannot stop peeking on your January applicants' cases in this forum.

The CIC's performance in the past three weeks is very disappointing and IRRESPONSIBLE. We paid immigration however we cannot even get an promised acknowledgement email to confirm they at least received our application, nor get correct and honest information on their official website about the immigration process status. People we are waiting are so frustrated but we seems have no weapon to fight back. We created theory to comfort ourselves, we joked on what we are facing. But nothing really eases the frustration inside us while hopelessly waiting for the next CIC update although we know it might be another nonsense. THIS IS REALLY UNFAIR!!!!

I know my case is a long shot yet. But still we are in the same boat. I wonder if we can at least send our complaints to the Immigration Ministry (Don't think complaints to CIC will work)? At least request the basics we deserve -- basic information of immigration process (we are not pushing him to speed up the process) I remember from this forum a guy mentioned he emailed Immigration Ministry to complain. His personal email might have been submerged under numerous emails. If more of us as a group submit complaints, at least our voice will be heard if even no response.

What is your thoughts?

I apologize that I cannot innitiate an actual repitition actions as I am really not good at computer. I am sure here there will be some guys excellent at computer skills. I will be the first one to sign any repetition initiated thankfully by some one.

I very much sympathize with your situation and others who are not receiving any updates through ECAS or through CIC directly. I know this is a frustrating process for all of us, but I will also try to offer a little insight for consideration. I also am waiting for my wife to receive further updates on ECAS after sending in PP. However, after careful consideration these are my thoughts.
1. I would rather the workers spend their time processing our papers then replying to our endless emails, updates, etc. etc. A person busy updating all of our ECAS, sending emails, writing letters on timely basis would NOT be busy processing our files. A person can only do one thing at a time.
2. I seriously doubt the GOV would hire extra people just to update ECAS quicker or to address our enquiries on a more timely basis. Their likely solution (if at all) would be to take staff away from processing and put them on emails and ECAS updating to ensure more up to date reporting back to us the applicants. GOV overall is talking sut backs so likely no additional staffing for immigration.
3. GOV is already making lots of change to the immigration system and thus this issue would likely see the back burner. As a Canadian I am aware of the GOV efforts to reform the system. Much of what they are working on are much more serious issues to better refine the immigration system and make it more fair for all of the legitimate applicants and to clear up backlogs of applicants.
4. Any petition may eventually have an effect but anyone thinking this will help their individual situation should not count on this. Any changes a serious petition could bring about likely would not have any changing affect for many months or even years. The wheels of government turn very slowly, and often not the way we want them to.
5. I think our time and energy is best spent on preparing ourselves, our spouses, for any requirements that may come our way in the process. Prepare for interviews. Complete all paperwork as fast as possible and thorough as possible, planning our lives around the expected timelines, so that we can respond quickly to each step in the process as we come to them.
6. Remember that 1000's of people are applying for immigration on a regular basis. Each case is different requiring different scrutiny etc. In order to be fair to everyone, they are trying to process in order as they arrive. I think they are very fair this way. It doesnt surprise me at all that with so many applicants it is hard for them to locat someones application before it is being processed (55-70 days) thus the excuses.
7. I think the vast majority of people recieve an answer regarding their sponsorship between 55 and 70 days. Some cases are more complicated and they require more time to investigate a case. Based on this its best we be patient for this time period, it does go by fairly quickly. Once accepted as sponsor, transfer happens quite quickly, and then the real waiting begins.
8. I am confident the process continues at its pace, with little we can do to change that. Important that we are ready to respond to any documents or other requirements they may need from us. Even though I may not receive updates as quickly as others, I remain confident that my application is proceeding as best it can.
9. GOV is rarely willing to admit if they are wrong, made a mistake, misplaced something for a bit, etc etc etc. No point in expecting them to admit it, or to speed things up. It wont happen.

I don't mean to discourage anyone, only to help share some understanding of the system. Its always best when dealing with a massive burocracy, not to create more problems for them, which may slow them down further. Let them do their jobs on their timelines. If for any reason, however, your situation falls outside the normal timelines, then you should by all means contact them and get answers as quickly as possible. Patience is a virtue. I wish all of us a speedy processing, hoping we all can survive the waiting. Good luck to all.


Star Member
Mar 12, 2012
Calgary Alberta Canada
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
24-02-2012 Passport Sent.: 16-03-2012
21-04-2012 DM on ECAS...: 19-04-2012
mountain_pirate said:
I think the CIC agents are the least helpful and clueless. If you call anxiously you end up feeling despair by the end. It's truly an exercise in futility. I've decided to take call centre fast by not calling until I see posts from fellow members indicating AOR/approvals around the time.

I think the website will be updated by tomorrow, but it'll give Monday's date as last updated (very insincere) and still indicate processing Jan 25 applications.
That is best to ignore the CIC unless you are SURE there is a problem. This website is very helpful to us all. We can compare other peoples timelines to our own, and then we have some idea when to expect progress. But remember each case is different. Some are very simple. Others are more complicated. I find it very useful to compare with others using same VO, because once it is there, that is where the time can really vary in processing.


Hero Member
May 20, 2011
Brampton, Ontario
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
JEFFandJANET said:
I very much sympathize with your situation and others who are not receiving any updates through ECAS or through CIC directly. I know this is a frustrating process for all of us, but I will also try to offer a little insight for consideration. I also am waiting for my wife to receive further updates on ECAS after sending in PP. However, after careful consideration these are my thoughts.
1. I would rather the workers spend their time processing our papers then replying to our endless emails, updates, etc. etc. A person busy updating all of our ECAS, sending emails, writing letters on timely basis would NOT be busy processing our files. A person can only do one thing at a time.
2. I seriously doubt the GOV would hire extra people just to update ECAS quicker or to address our enquiries on a more timely basis. Their likely solution (if at all) would be to take staff away from processing and put them on emails and ECAS updating to ensure more up to date reporting back to us the applicants. GOV overall is talking sut backs so likely no additional staffing for immigration.
3. GOV is already making lots of change to the immigration system and thus this issue would likely see the back burner. As a Canadian I am aware of the GOV efforts to reform the system. Much of what they are working on are much more serious issues to better refine the immigration system and make it more fair for all of the legitimate applicants and to clear up backlogs of applicants.
4. Any petition may eventually have an effect but anyone thinking this will help their individual situation should not count on this. Any changes a serious petition could bring about likely would not have any changing affect for many months or even years. The wheels of government turn very slowly, and often not the way we want them to.
5. I think our time and energy is best spent on preparing ourselves, our spouses, for any requirements that may come our way in the process. Prepare for interviews. Complete all paperwork as fast as possible and thorough as possible, planning our lives around the expected timelines, so that we can respond quickly to each step in the process as we come to them.
6. Remember that 1000's of people are applying for immigration on a regular basis. Each case is different requiring different scrutiny etc. In order to be fair to everyone, they are trying to process in order as they arrive. I think they are very fair this way. It doesnt surprise me at all that with so many applicants it is hard for them to locat someones application before it is being processed (55-70 days) thus the excuses.
7. I think the vast majority of people recieve an answer regarding their sponsorship between 55 and 70 days. Some cases are more complicated and they require more time to investigate a case. Based on this its best we be patient for this time period, it does go by fairly quickly. Once accepted as sponsor, transfer happens quite quickly, and then the real waiting begins.
8. I am confident the process continues at its pace, with little we can do to change that. Important that we are ready to respond to any documents or other requirements they may need from us. Even though I may not receive updates as quickly as others, I remain confident that my application is proceeding as best it can.
9. GOV is rarely willing to admit if they are wrong, made a mistake, misplaced something for a bit, etc etc etc. No point in expecting them to admit it, or to speed things up. It wont happen.

I don't mean to discourage anyone, only to help share some understanding of the system. Its always best when dealing with a massive burocracy, not to create more problems for them, which may slow them down further. Let them do their jobs on their timelines. If for any reason, however, your situation falls outside the normal timelines, then you should by all means contact them and get answers as quickly as possible. Patience is a virtue. I wish all of us a speedy processing, hoping we all can survive the waiting. Good luck to all.
Well articulated. You just spoke my mind.

Just to add to your opinions, no entity is perfect. So things would be a little on and off sometimes. Its unfortunate that some of our friends had to wait more than usual to hear their share of good news. I empathize with them, but there's always a calm after the storm. So, my friends hold on to your nerves for some more time before you hear the much awaited news.

I know its easy said than to follow, but at this time this is all I could say to ease some of your minds because I went through it.

And for JeffandJanet....you got a +1 from me ;)


Star Member
Nov 27, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
30-12-2011 but e-mail received 06-02-2012
File Transfer...
Med's Request
E-Cas shows Medical Received
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
26-03-2012 was In Process on March 19, 2012
I definitely agree with JEFFandJANET as well. Although this may not seem helpful coming from someone who just finished the process, try and put things into prospective. CIC gets thousands upon thousands of applicants like you and me who are feeling the same way but must go through the same process and procedures. I'm sure the their staff is equipped to handle loads and loads of applications but they are only given a limited number of resources to do that with.

What we can do to help the process is ensure our files are complete by providing ample proof and double checking that we are supporting ourselves enough to make the review process faster and simpler. Do your due diligence and be ready to provide additional information if for some reason you were unable to provide it the first time around.

Most important, be patient--this is only the beginning--you or may or not get more frustrated when your file finally gets sent over to your specific VO. Good things come to those who wait and for all of us who are just beginning our lives, we have lots of time ahead of us.

Have faith and be hopefull..it will come.


Star Member
Mar 24, 2012
British Columbia
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jan 19, 2012
AOR Received.
Apr 03, 2012
File Transfer...
Apr 10, 2012
Med's Done....
Dec 16, 2011
Passport Req..
Apr 23, 2012. Received by ND Apr 24, 2012. No Travel History. In Process- May 21, 2012.
Decision Made - Jun 06, 2012. Passport received - Jun 10, 2012
I called CIC call center again today regarding my application status but like always they were unable to find it in their system. According to the Canada Post tracking, they had received our file on Jan 18th, 2012. Surprisingly though, they asked me what my spouse name was and his date of birth. Once I confirmed the name and date of birth, the call center agent said they can see spouse's name in the system, but nothing about the application. Even the call center agent was surprised how is this possible and he just said that he will message CIC regarding an update and to call back in about 2 weeks.

Can you guys have shed any light into this situation?

Thanks in advance :)


Star Member
Mar 10, 2012
Imus, Cavite
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jan 20, 2012
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Mar 29, 2012
Med's Request
Passport Req..
apr 20, 2012; passport received: apr 30, 2012
VISA RECEIVED: 20-07-2012
hey guys! ;)

The super loooooonngggg wait is over for us. ;D
We received an Email From CIC March 29,2012 that our papers was forwarded to Manila for Processing.
We waited almost 70 days to received it..

pray pray pray and pray for those of you who are still waiting.....! ;D


Champion Member
Jun 23, 2011
New Delhi
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jan 26, 2012
File Transfer...
May 1, 2012
July 31, 2012 (approved) went "in process" same day
Passport Req..
May 10, 2012
Visa stamped on August 3, 2012 and passport received back on August 13, 2012
Oct 21, 2012
xtin51887 said:
hey guys! ;)

The super loooooonngggg wait is over for us. ;D
We received an Email From CIC March 29,2012 that our papers was forwarded to Manila for Processing.
We waited almost 70 days to received it..

pray pray pray and pray for those of you who are still waiting.....! ;D
congratulations! i have been waiting for 64 days so far and i hope i will get something in the next 2 weeks.


Star Member
Jan 24, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Congrats xtin :) It is about time we have some more action in January! I hope there's a surge of people who get good news next week!!


Champion Member
Oct 6, 2009
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
05-2012 (CSQ approved)
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
11-2011 (extended until 11-2013)
Passport Req..
02-2013 (finalyyyyyy)
07-2013 (DONE - thank u all :):):))
xtin51887 said:
hey guys! ;)

The super loooooonngggg wait is over for us. ;D
We received an Email From CIC March 29,2012 that our papers was forwarded to Manila for Processing.
We waited almost 70 days to received it..

pray pray pray and pray for those of you who are still waiting.....! ;D
congrats xtin finally some good news :) they didn't send u AOR before right? u got the sponsor approval directly? anyway finally some update, that's great....let more updates come for aaaalll :)

guys, ladies, i don't want to b mean or rude but u cannot compare a waiting of 45 days with a waiting of 70-80 days; u don't know the despair and wonders....it's really hard ::) especially if ur timeline passed with 1-2 weeks and ur application is still not in their system.....where is it, is it lost, is it there....people should know, otherwise for what r we paying? honestly i don't mind to pay more for a more proffessional system....i don't mind to pay to get an update....at least i will know something!!!! so awarness must be raised!!!!

second, each officer has to update the e-cas and each officer has to write his/her observation (every single one) in CAIPS....everything is transparent (or has to be) the problem is that some do some don't although they r all suppossed to do it....here is how i see it: if u have no electricity u call and say that u don't have and there is a problem somewhere.....same here, no? any job needs to be done in proffessional way especially in Canada, if he does not do his job right that i'm sure there r hundreds of other people who can have his job and do it better :)

also i'm still not sure if it's the officers who update the e-cas....they have different officer levels too....some will actually work on files, others update e-cas, send emails, scan things etc....that's how i noticed from what many people say...

third yes the gouverment moves slow but if noone ever will take any action when something goes wrong that things in this world will get worse and worse....people need to raise their voice and what will b will b....

and talking abt the gouverment, see what it did in the past few days to these poor people; after waiting 4 years for their Canadian dream their applications will b returned....it just makes me sick :mad: :mad: :mad:


Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
missmini said:
congrats xtin finally some good news :) they didn't send u AOR before right? u got the sponsor approval directly? anyway finally some update, that's great....let more updates come for aaaalll :)

guys, ladies, i don't want to b mean or rude but u cannot compare a waiting of 45 days with a waiting of 70-80 days; u don't know the despair and wonders....it's really hard ::) especially if ur timeline passed with 1-2 weeks and ur application is still not in their system.....where is it, is it lost, is it there....people should know, otherwise for what r we paying? honestly i don't mind to pay more for a more proffessional system....i don't mind to pay to get an update....at least i will know something!!!! so awarness must be raised!!!!

second, each officer has to update the e-cas and each officer has to write his/her observation (every single one) in CAIPS....everything is transparent (or has to be) the problem is that some do some don't although they r all suppossed to do it....here is how i see it: if u have no electricity u call and say that u don't have and there is a problem somewhere.....same here, no? any job needs to be done in proffessional way especially in Canada, if he does not do his job right that i'm sure there r hundreds of other people who can have his job and do it better :)

also i'm still not sure if it's the officers who update the e-cas....they have different officer levels too....some will actually work on files, others update e-cas, send emails, scan things etc....that's how i noticed from what many people say...

third yes the gouverment moves slow but if noone ever will take any action when something goes wrong that things in this world will get worse and worse....people need to raise their voice and what will b will b....

and talking abt the gouverment, see what it did in the past few days to these poor people; after waiting 4 years for their Canadian dream their applications will b returned....it just makes me sick :mad: :mad: :mad:

well said
Besides some think CIC has 5 agents they are the same that answer calls and they are the same who update site as if our calls or their site update will keep them from working....
There is some serious problems..we need to stick together evenif the solution will affect only future applicants...we are asking for the minimum rights (fairness, acknowledgement, transparency) NOT only as citizens but as humans....would not you feel shy if your bragging about Canada and this is the 1st thing your spouse see!!!


Champion Member
Oct 6, 2009
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
05-2012 (CSQ approved)
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
11-2011 (extended until 11-2013)
Passport Req..
02-2013 (finalyyyyyy)
07-2013 (DONE - thank u all :):):))
Dr Eng X said:
well said
Besides some think CIC has 5 agents they are the same that answer calls and they are the same who update site as if our calls or their site update will keep them from working....
There is some serious problems..we need to stick together evenif the solution will affect only future applicants...we are asking for the minimum rights (fairness, acknowledgement, transparency) NOT only as citizens but as humans....would not you feel shy if your bragging about Canada and this is the 1st thing your spouse see!!!
exactly....the IT team is one thing, the call center is another, the accountant office another, the one in the mailroom another and so on....there r many working there each with specific set of responsabilities....
hmm even if we brag i'm sure our spouses have seen worse than this LOL...Canada is still far ahead than many other countries, i just want it to be better and continue the forward way not starting going backward :p