yeah those notes will help u see the reason for the interview and i think u have a good chance to get them before the interview just in time to prepare

hmm my case after we got the csq is mostly nothing yooooohooo loool, still application received, not even aor, but i think they do something somewhere cuz the applicant's address appeared on ecas, then part of it dissappeared; any change there i take it as a good sign and small step ahead; but today someone from amman thread got the visa only after 6 months so it's really good news (others waited waaaaaay longer); we never know when it will hit us
hmm i'm still outside and i have no intention of going back, not before i'm sure we have the visa and we can start our live there together; my proofs of return were: detailed letter explaining my ties with canada, reason why i'm not there, my no-ties with the current country (except to b together but no close family, not even his; how is in this area - just stay temporary but then everyone has to leave, and other things specific to our situation - u could state her health problems, no family, etc); other thing i showed: support letter from my parents (how we'll stay with them if needed, how they will help us financially if needed), some employment support letters from old collegues (not job offers - just something like explaining my old work and how there r opportunities for me, even in their companies, how they will help me etc); and maybe the most imp - everything i had in canada before i left i didn't change or cancel since i always knew i didn't leave for good and i explained and show that - my bank statements, my mobile number, credit cards, memberships, my name is still on my parents' hydro bills and lease contract; i also did my taxes every year and showed it.....overall i think i showed way too much and i'm sure that with just a little from what i sent u'll b fine so don't worry
another thing maybe they r concern abt ur finance, they want to make sure u can support urselves once u land; what we did we showed some income in my bank statements (not too much but i think enough for maybe 3 months); also u as applicant can explain in what field u plan to work there, show that u started searching for jobs or applied to get ur equivalences, anything; convince them that u won't need their help and u'll find work fast