Im sorry, yes I had a very busy weekend and couldn't report back earlier.....well....
I PASSEED the test!!!

;D ;D YAY!! 20/20 ;D
I think others have already mentioned how busy Scarborough office is and I agree, very small waiting area and too many Citizens to be
There was also a citizenship ceremony happening at the same time of the test so there was a lot of people there...but everything sort of organized
When you arrive they give you a blue sheet to read and sign declaring that you are still eligible for citizenship
Then they started calling people I think 50 and older (the ones are not required to present the test) and later the rest of the people scheduled for test
We all went in to a room with desks, we were aprox. 30ppl for the test, they gave us the instructions and answer sheet and filled up with our names and code that is on top of yellow sheet
Then we got handed the test, they are all different versions, and gave us 30min to complete, I think it took me 12min
I had 3 questions that I wasn't sure of so I skipped them and went back to them at the end and well I got all 20 right!
After that I went to the next room, were you get interviewed, waiting area and officers interviewing are all in the same room, zero privacy
So I finally got called and the woman asked me for my passports and ID's, she had my application there and she signed some pages and reviewed that it was complete, then she asked me to sign a paper...but up to this point I wasn't sure if this meant I passed or not; She then asked me If I am working and what do I do for work...That was it!
And finally she said, "Im going to give you your test result now"....big pause...(i felt like in a Reality show) and she turned the answer sheet and said "Congratulations you passed!! 20 out of 20 " then everything else was a blur ...hahahaha....I was so excited...almost cried :-[
Then she told me I will get my letter for Citizenship ceremony on the mail in 2 to 4 months...so I guess no voting for me on this elections
And that was it...
thank you all!!