Were you at the interview?
I with my spouse. But she asked me some basic question and let me wait outside.
I talked to my spouse about questions after interview right away.
So both of us remember what happened.
How she treat our additional document as junk in the interview.
She asked me what is your job? I said my job is a coordinator. She asked me do you have any proof? I said I attached my employment letter in my file. She seemed not even know what we have in our file.
Before I went for the interview, I asked my manager to do a vacation approval for my spouse interview. So I told her I have a vacation approval from my manager, do you want it? She said she need.
In the note she said she asked my spouse did he ever met my parents and give detail information about them and my spouse said he never met my parents and know nothing about my family member.
But the fact is during the waiting time for the application, I went back China again and asked my spouse come to celebrate my father's birthday. When I help my parents apply their visitor visa, my spouse help my parents a lot in China, like scanning these things. So my parents also suggest me to bring him to my father's birthday to say thanks for him. And we took a photo together in the restaurant. My parents know him as my best friend.
And I bring that photo as additional evidence during the interview. So how can my spouse can say he never met my parents?