rhcohen2014 said:nina - once again you don't know the true circumstances of the applcations you are using as an example. sponsors are NOT found ineligible because they make low/no income. There are many sponsors who do not make an income and are approved for eligibility. When CIC can prove the sponsor has used social welfare (NOT mat leave or EI) within a certain timeframe before the application, THEN the sponsorship will most likely be denied. In this situation, it's the sponsor's responsibility to prove they are off the welfare list, and they are no longer receiving social assistance. The sponsor is not required to show bank statements. The option c form will show CIC all they need to see. It has nothinng to do with how much money a sponsor makes! STOP FINDING APPLICATION ISSUES THAT HAVING NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU AND ASSUMING YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE DENIED.
then stop looking at the forum!ninakap30 said:))ın fact all told me to ınclude a bank statment...ı dıdnt..ı never used welfare or somethıng so from thıs factor ı am ok....but ı dıdnt work 2 years cause ı lıve wıth my hubby and he supports me tıll today....the truth ıs that as long as ı look the forum the more ı get stressed cause as u saıd every ocaasıon ıs unıque....and for the genuınıty and for the sponsorshıp approval.........
yes ı guess so because ı thınk fınally a heart attack comes to me...rhcohen2014 said:then stop looking at the forum!
My answers are answered here. Hope it helps!I am also looking for answers for the question above.
For your first question I am the sponsor and included a letter from my employer.Hi, I hope someone can help me with my questions, thank you in advance.
1. I know that sponsors are not required to be employed to show proof of income, but if there is employment to declare, would this help better the chances of approval?
2. Are Canadian sponsors allowed to show as proof of employment if the employer is from the US and sponsor is working from home in Canada? Would there be any complications resulting to this?
Hi, I hope someone can help me with my questions, thank you in advance.
1. I know that sponsors are not required to be employed to show proof of income, but if there is employment to declare, would this help better the chances of approval?
Ofcourse if you have proof of employment you should show.
2. Are Canadian sponsors allowed to show as proof of employment if the employer is from the US and sponsor is working from home in Canada? Would there be any complications resulting to this?
If its legal...why not?