Unlike US PRs, Canadian PRs have almost no rights! Yes, you have the right to live anywhere in Canada, but how many of you do really want to live in this frozen tundra called Canada. Let's be honest. Most of you are here to get Canadian passport and get the hell out of here, right? CIC is very well aware of this, so they are playing this "waiting game" with you naive PRs. LOL. They'll say to you, "What's the hurry, boys? Don't you enjoy living in Canada? Get on with your lives and some day you'll get your citizenship, boys. If you don't want to wait anymore, get the f--k out of here. You have your right to go back to your third world home country, boy..."us2yow said:no way will they do that...that would be suicidal...and asking applicants waiting to have their applications "REVIEWED" much less allowed in after that review (as was the case with the FSW applications erased before a certain cut off date) is fundamentally very different from messing with PRs who are essentially Canadians - - its apples and oranges !
FSW applicants are not landed immigrants. UNFORTUNATELY, in that sense, they were easier to handle since the tons and tons of applications weren't even opened and these applicants were for purposes of classification foreigners (non-PR / non-citizen) waiting to take their chances.
WHEREAS, on the other end of the spectrum, PRs are here, doing their thing...GOvt cannot shoot themselves in the foot and look so lousy..believe me..its has LARGE reputational and election risks for the conservatives....
Lets know our rights and have our self-worth as PRs (although the Govt has tried to shake it).
And Canada has no reputation at all!
And speaking of election, this is the only way for conservatives to win this upcoming election and more. That is, prevent the demographic change by all means possible. Conservatives saw what happened in the US. They don't want to be in the same deep sh*thole republicans are in now.
Wise up, boys!