I feel disappointed by this http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2014/2014-02-06e.asp
Current Act
Residence for three out of four years (1,095 days);
No requirement that resident be physically present;
Time as a non-permanent resident (non-PR) may be counted toward residence for citizenship;
No intent to reside provision
Proposed Act
Requires physical presence for four years (1,460 days) out of the six years;
183 days minimum of physical presence per year in four out of six years;
Eliminate use of time spent in Canada as a non-permanent resident (non-PR);
Introduce “intent to reside” provision
BTW what is "intent to reside"? Thank you.
Current Act
Residence for three out of four years (1,095 days);
No requirement that resident be physically present;
Time as a non-permanent resident (non-PR) may be counted toward residence for citizenship;
No intent to reside provision
Proposed Act
Requires physical presence for four years (1,460 days) out of the six years;
183 days minimum of physical presence per year in four out of six years;
Eliminate use of time spent in Canada as a non-permanent resident (non-PR);
Introduce “intent to reside” provision
BTW what is "intent to reside"? Thank you.