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is longer residency requirement really possible?


Hero Member
Mar 18, 2013
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Here's the news that just came out http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/12/27/as-canadian-citizenship-rules-face-an-overhaul-by-the-harper-government-in-2014-heres-what-to-expect/ Though this is not official, it seems like this will happen some time in the future.

But the citizenship application fee increase was mentioned way earlier this year in 2013. Nothing has changed yet? http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/fees.asp
Right of Citizenship $100
Grant of Citizenship $100


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Nothing has changed yet. What you are reading is just a proposal. These changes to the citizenship act would have to be passed by Parliament to become official.

Having said that, I think it's entirely possible these changes would pass if put to a vote in Parliament.


Champion Member
Feb 1, 2006
NDP supports longer residency period, so its not like there is any real political opposition to that part of the proposal from the opposition. There are some concerns around the attempt to abolish birthright citizenship and citizenship for the children of Canadians by descent born overseas. There are also some privacy concerns around certain proposals to build a database of family trees related to this later issue. These concerns could delay any proposed legislation.

If the longer residency period is going to be defeated, it will have to be the result of mobilization of immigrant communities that the Cons are attempting to covet in the GTA.


Hero Member
Dec 15, 2010
also I guess these things take do time to finally end up as law esp. with a big bill like what they are proposing and all the steps in the legislative process.

I would think there would also be a public consultation period when it is opened up for discussion and comments from the public and all stakeholders. Normally, this public consultation period is at least a month or more.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
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links18 said:
NDP supports longer residency period, so its not like there is any real political opposition to that part of the proposal from the opposition. There are some concerns around the attempt to abolish birthright citizenship and citizenship for the children of Canadians by descent born overseas. There are also some privacy concerns around certain proposals to build a database of family trees related to this later issue. These concerns could delay any proposed legislation.

If the longer residency period is going to be defeated, it will have to be the result of mobilization of immigrant communities that the Cons are attempting to covet in the GTA.
I don't know where you got the information about NDP supporting longer residency periods....


Hero Member
Feb 2, 2013
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The conservative party is shooting itself in the leg by introducing this immigration reform. This is an atom bomb that's set to go off that neither NDP nor liberals (heck not even green party and independents) would like to be a part of. No one ever brought this topic up in the house of commons except for Harper and his pawn that he appointed as immigration minister screaming at the top of their throats. Any bill will have to pass through the senate before it even comes to the house of commons consideration. Given that even one liner bills take years to become law, an immigration omnibus rather than a reform like this one will not hit the floors in 2014. There's this 1st reading, then the second reading, then the third reading until they dot all the 'I's and line all the 'T's. 2015 cannot be an year for any bills to be passed into a law that affects any voting segment, given that Ontario and Quebec the biggest election deciders wont be happy with these laws. So in my opinion Chris Alexander is trying to show he's relevant to justify the salary he's drawing. I would rather have him reason the current RQ process and make it streamlined, sensible and fairly accountable. So the answer is "NO". It was a "NO" in 2011, it is still a "NO" in 2014 definitely.


Hero Member
Sep 19, 2012
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CanuckForEver,I agreed with you. They need to work on RQ applicants most of the RQ issued are irrelevant. How can you RQed someone that school fulltime (college, university, and high school in Canada)? There is no way the person would graduate without physically attending lectures. They are destroying there are reputation. RQ should be issue, if there is doubt about his/her residency not when the person can proved beyond doubts. They are holding people hostage with this RQed.


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Feb 11, 2008
Woodex said:
CanuckForEver,I agreed with you. They need to work on RQ applicants most of the RQ issued are irrelevant. How can you RQed someone that school fulltime (college, university, and high school in Canada)? There is no way the person would graduate without physically attending lectures. They are destroying there are reputation. RQ should be issue, if there is doubt about his/her residency not when the person can proved beyond doubts. They are holding people hostage with this RQed.
@woodex, did you get RQ ?


Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
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The next session of parliament opens Jan 2014. The next Federal Elections are scheduled for October 2015....a majority government in both the House of Commons and the Senate (as is the current status) does not need 20 months to get the Citizenship Act to include extending the residency requirements amended...it can do so before this summer!


Hero Member
Feb 2, 2013
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Msafiri said:
The next session of parliament opens Jan 2014. The next Federal Elections are scheduled for October 2015....a majority government in both the House of Commons and the Senate (as is the current status) does not need 20 months to get the Citizenship Act to include extending the residency requirements amended...it can do so before this summer!
Hi Msafiri,
I totally see your point :). Technically it is definitely possible. Hence my phrase "shoot in the foot". Me thinks, the backbenchers will revolt against this bill. Proof: backbenchers sending bills to floors on more party freedom on voting and backbenchers themselves sponsoring some bills against extending the time constraints for PR to qualify for applying for citizenship. Evidently, most if not all, MPs have lost their fear, feared respect for Harper. They want to save their seat rather than pleasing Harper who at this point clearly is not seen someone to lead the party for 2015. Just my musings that caused me to write those comments. ;)


Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
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CanuckForEver said:
Hi Msafiri,
I totally see your point :). Technically it is definitely possible. Hence my phrase "shoot in the foot". Me thinks, the backbenchers will revolt against this bill. Proof: backbenchers sending bills to floors on more party freedom on voting and backbenchers themselves sponsoring some bills against extending the time constraints for PR to qualify for applying for citizenship. Evidently, most if not all, MPs have lost their fear, feared respect for Harper. They want to save their seat rather than pleasing Harper who at this point clearly is not seen someone to lead the party for 2015. Just my musings that caused me to write those comments. ;)
No Doubt! There are some ambitious 'youngsters' including the former CIC minister...let's see who the stalking horse is but remember the man at the helm has proven fleet footed what with a double prorogue of parliament...as they say a week is a long time in politics let's see what happens in 52!


Hero Member
Jun 21, 2012
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If this is going to happen I wonder if they will increase the time counted in Canada as non-PR. Currently they only accept 1 year of this time at the rate of a day counts as 1/2 a day, but when you reach 1 year it is capped. I came here as a Refugee in Aug. 2010 I became a PR in Feb 2013 currently I am eligible for citizenship in Feb 2015. I wonder if they are going to credit any of my non-PR time?


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CanuckForEver said:
Hi Msafiri,
I totally see your point :). Technically it is definitely possible. Hence my phrase "shoot in the foot". Me thinks, the backbenchers will revolt against this bill. Proof: backbenchers sending bills to floors on more party freedom on voting and backbenchers themselves sponsoring some bills against extending the time constraints for PR to qualify for applying for citizenship. Evidently, most if not all, MPs have lost their fear, feared respect for Harper. They want to save their seat rather than pleasing Harper who at this point clearly is not seen someone to lead the party for 2015. Just my musings that caused me to write those comments. ;)
The challenge that any MP will face is that regardless of their party affilication, the vast majority of their voting constituents are in favour of tougher citizenship laws. If this bill is put before parliament this summer, I believe most MPs will vote in favour since they won't want to p*ss of their voters right ahead of an election. MPs will be thinking about themselves and their seats and will vote accordingly.


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2008
I just heard on radio that Harper govt is going to change citizenship rules drastically in 2014- I am planning to apply on 2nd Jan 2014 do you guys think they can announce that any application submitted in 2014 will be returned and needs to re-submitted as per new rules ?

Or they will announce that starting the [DATE] new applications will be required to fill new forms etc etc ?

What you guys think ?