Hi forevercanada,
I appreciate your entusiasm and gesture to share info on the new mobile app that enables us to check our citizenship processing status. I think you and many of us wanting to know our status in an easily accessible way is a fair demand. Just like how many service providers heed to those demands and provide services to the mobile communicty, I beleive the government (particularly ours) can also start addressing this section of users. But with this app I have many questions unanswered and really think CIC should step in to fulfill the gaps to provide better value to the paying customer.Personally that's a red flag for me, and I am sure it would be a concern for many other users too. How come CIC is expecting to step in successfully to the mobile world by having a third party in between. I know its not CIC that published this app and they don't care about the need to satisfy mobile users (like you particularly; if considered safe and secured count me in too, also many other users!), but the very reason they opened their servers for third party vendors to call proves their need to set foot in the mobile world!
Even if people take this on its face value, it is still hard to believe how the vendors would debug a malfunction in the app reported by a paid user. The vendors would need to know what got passed and what got displayed. They will have to get it either from the user or the CIC, unless they also store it in their servers. CIC and most sensible users would not let it out to a third party vendor (although CIC I kind of doubt

) A savvy software vendor would have the data for knowing what happens with their application that too when its not a freeware!
That would be interesting! wanna see it how they address the security and validity of the product. In my opinion, they need to validate a complaint saying this is what you passed but you need to pass the fields like this blah, blah, blah, when a paid user reports them a bug. They need to do these kinds of support activities. Or on the off-chance they might say for the 2 bucks you pay don't expect support, you use this product at your own risk! There's a trade off between validity and security. In the first case validity takes over security, in the second case security is intact by itself as they don't offer any support.
Obtain ECAS info, I accept. Safely, securely not sure yet. Do they or CIC even give an assurance about people totally relying on this app. Now CIC is doing already a ****marvellous job *******

job in notifications sent through Canada post, this app is not even authoritative CIC app, now what happens if the app is caught up in say cache and hasn't changed the message with updated info or it simply would stop working? is it not possible that people might run into a 4 year delay on waiting for a judge's interview?
Im thinking CIC not taking the ownership on this app is bringing up a lot of misgivings!