Brother what is success according to you, completing education here and finding job might be success for some, but for someone else it could be different. For a refugee it could be to live another day, for a laborer it could be to provide better life for his/her family, for someone in poverty it could be to earn today's bread.
Am saying this again, international students should definitely be given some extra considerations, but that doesn't make other categories any less qualified. Not all international students, who had their education in Canada have a great English language proficiency (that is a different story altogether).
About paying taxes thing - you may not have said so, but quite a bunch of people here have mentioned that earlier. You and I were able to become more integrated to the Canadian society only because you and I were given a chance to be here, so we at least had a chance to be here, correct? In that case any one who gets a chance to be here may very well have no problem integrating to the Canadian life.
Again I would like to emphasize a point here, that fighting for our rights is okay, but please that shouldn't come at the cost of disgracing someone and calling them names or calling their country as corrupt.
Also, just bringing in more population (even though, they are skilled) will not solve problems. If there are no jobs for all the people that are coming in, then we are all doomed. Again @mead, I didn't pin point you in any of my comments above, I was just talking about the general mood in this forum.