Hi all,
just coming home after a day of work, LANDING

)))), more work, and then nice dinner out to celebrate

I had my landing at the CPC Mississauga today, I was a bit nervous because I didn't have the appointment letter, but when I got there I just told them that I talked to the call centre and then they looked at their list of people and yeaaaah, I was on it

So, they let everybody go in a big courtroom and gave them an introduction which we missed, cause the nice immigration officer that checked if I'm on the list took me to pay my PR fee right away

Then we went to the room, too, and shortly after the same nice lady called me to a table, veryfied my sponsor's ID, asked me the question about criminal charges, dependents, and ever not being admitted to canada or told to leave, and then we just went over my address, some signatures, and then it was "welcome to canada"

Hope the PR Card comes fast so I can go to my Mom's Birthday in June
Asta, enjoy your day next week

Jaune, I am not very familiar with the process for Quebec, but don't worry

It'll come!