I look the spreadsheet every day... and every day it makes me :'(
no news about SA,AIP or anything like that for me yet,
but I jus wanna share my own experience going out of Canada for a short trip
First of all I'm from a visa exempt country for Canada and US,
I'm currently on a 2 year WP and also employed.
I also Traveled with my Partner Round trip, from Canada to the US via Land Crossing.
going to US i didn't need to go to customs in the Canadian side, just in the US, they just asked me basic general information about the trip, and charged me the appropriate fee.
coming back to Canada we stopped on the Canadian side, the official asked us for our passports, and my WP document, general basic cuestions about the trip, and the typical questions about what we were bringing to Canada (How much we shopped, how much Alcohol, any guns or drugs (guess they have to ask for that too)), and welcomed us back to Canada.