CONGRATULATIONS to everyone with DM recently!! So happy for you all

I love how helpful and informative this forum is; however I've avoided it for a little while now as reading all the posts everyday of people getting DM who applied after me was very upsetting. Well as much as I'd love to be here today with good news, I have nada.
Our situation is this - I am English, and have been living in Canada for 4.5 years now, since December 6th 2010. I have been working here since May 2011. My husband and I met in 2011 and were married in March 2013. We applied in June 2013. It took them a year to approve my husband as sponsor, then they requested fingerprints from me. Then due to their slowness at processing the application my medical expired and they requested I do a re-med which I did and submitted ASAP. Now I'm told they've been sitting on my COMPLETE file for the past three months and still have no idea when I can expect my case agent to make a decision because in the words of the call center agent "it could be a week, it could be a year, you just have to wait."
My application should have been a straight forward and easy to process application - there are no dependents, no children, no divorces or former spouses. I had been living and working here for over 2 years by time we even applied for PR, and hadn't even left the country at any point. Apparently case agents have discretion in requesting re-meds, and someone who applied about a week different to me had theirs expire but wasn't asked to re-do it. That seems unfair.
I can't send my passport to be renewed just in case they make a decision soon, we can't book a much needed vacation, I can't go home for a big family event that's happening - all because my person "officer BS" (how appropriate considering everything that's going on) can't be bothered to finish my application. I'm back on my anti-depressants now. We're considering leaving Canada altogether because the UK would give him PR much faster. I swear they just forgot about me!! We recently contacted out local MP so maybe, just maaaaaybe, he can help.
Anyway sorry for the huge rant.....just needed to vent to people who understand what it's like :'(