Spikey92 said:
YES our appointment is on the 12th as well

But at 2:30 pm.
I was wondering the same about the immigration documents. Im thinking they mean current visas,workpermit everything that CIC issued to you in the past up to now.
But Id greatly appreciate it if somebody could shed some light on it.

It would have been so cool if we could have met in passing! Hubby and I are probably going out for drinks that night to celebrate, so if you see two rowdy people and a guy decked out in 'Canada' things at a bar that night, don't be shy! We'll buy you a drink!
Out of curiosity, does your letter say:
Dear Madam/Sir,
We are pleased to advise you that the processing of your application for permanent residence will be finalized at your next interview that has been scheduled for:
March 12, 2014 at (insert your time here) AM/PM.
Please report to:
You must bring the following documents:
X Your valid passport and/or;
X The original of your identity document(s) provided to the Case Processing Center in Vegreville or to the local Canada Immigration Centre;
X All your immigration documents;
X You have to be accompanied by your sponsor/spouse, your sponsor has to provide and ID document with picture;
X 2 photos - see enclosed appendix for specifications.
For some reason, this part is making me the most nervous!

Hubby is all overjoyed and I'm worrying - we're trading moods/apprehension as this process goes on. Haha. I'm also bringing the receipt to show that we've paid the fees even though they didn't specify to bring it.
I'm starting a new job on that day too! So a lot of good things! I'm hoping that the interview doesn't run any longer than 12 PM on Wednesday! That's my start time for the new job.