A heads up.
As you guys can see I am from March 2013, all of this has been the worst saga of my life.
I was contacted by CIC last October to finish my 2nd battery of medicals (they lost the first ones) because even if they found the originals, they were now obsolete, also if you start medicals, you need to finish them and overide the very first ones.
I finish my medicals in December 1st and waited, finally at the begining of this month I thought something had to be wrong and I called them, guess what... The medicals weren't there...
I called the doctor's office and found out that for some reason they didn't send it to CIC, the doc's assistant told me she would call me later to make some light out of it but she never did, for 2 weeks my wife and I called their office and never got to talk to anyone and they never responded to our messages, I finally took a day off work on the 16th and went there, the doctor himself saw me and wasn't able to explain what happened, he apologized and guaranteed everything was sent now.
The very next day I received an email from CIC telling me that my medicals were missing and this was the last warning as they would not send me another letter.
My wife called the doc's office and was able to talk to their assistant, she sworn they sent it and she said she was going to contact Wendy at the immigration health department to see what is going on, of course she never called.
Last Friday I took a morning off work (again) and called immigration, the call center representative informed me the medicals are there and were received on the 17th (the same day they sent an email saying they don't have it).
I found all this very odd so I wrote a letter explaining the whole situation and sent it registered to Vegreville this morning.
So, I am still waiting, my nightmare never ends.
Also in the middle of all this my OWP expired in November 20th, I was able to go to Vancouver in September and got a new passport that took almost 2 months to arrive from Portugal, I was able to file for an extension on November 18th, 2 days before expiry which conceded me implied status for working, even though I was sent home from work one day until my company's HR studied the case and made sure I wasn't lying (I know immigration law better than them of course), they had an average time of around 40 days when I applied for extension, also I never heard from them, call center would tell me it is on the side for revision.
I wrote to my wife's MP in February, they said they couldn't do anything about the PR process as I was now under the new time bracket, but they would inquire about the WP extension, they sent me an email a couple days later saying the same that the call center was saying, it was for revision.
I responded to the MP that we knew that, the problem was that they were already processing applications from January 8th and ours from November was on the side for revision.
The MP contacted them again, they informed the application required some more analysis on their part as they needed to cross check it with my PR process.
Last week, on the 19th I receive an update on my CIC online account that the application was approved, the very next day the new OWP arrived in the mail

, So I guess if it wasn't for our MP asking about it we would still be waiting.
They sent a new OPW valid for 2 years now.
About the PR itself, still waiting, does anybody know how long is it taking from DM to landing interview?
I am leaving to Barbados on the 19th April to May 9th, but don't want to be there and be called for a landing interview clashing with our holiday.
I hate immigration processes, I applied and passed the admission test to become a certified immigration consultant, but can only start the course when I have PR (the irony) so my life once again is on hold. Not complaining though, just landed a new job making some more money...
Cheers, and remember, hang in there, it shall pass.
God bless you all.