Well, finally.
Husband has been approved. He, or rather, the consultant got his approval email. There has been nothing sent to me as of yet. I don't know if they will send it paper or email or what. Ecas almost appears to be not having them as my representative as my home/mailing address is the same. Hubby's had consultants as mailing and standard address as home.
Anyway, at least it is forward movement. Essentially got AIP without getting anything for myself stating that. Seems about right for CIC.
And Screech, that was issues Oct 28, so you can update. I just now got the information though.

Also, I noticed that you have put me down as applying for OWP at the same time, which I did not. Hubby thinks we will just sit and wait for a week or so before we make a decision about whether to apply for one since the rest of things have been happening so fast.