I think American governments might be a very very VERY close second to Canada's. I will however scream this one from the rooftops. Any of us who have lived in the US all our lives and dealt with our postal service and fussed and groused and made not so nice comments .. I would like to now OFFICIALLY rescind ALL of those comments and kiss the postal carriers of the USPS where they stand! I have never never NEVER seen anything like Canadas postal service. How DO YOU FOLKS put up with the crap they dish out?!?!? I mean TRULY! They want me to pay them $71 to mail a package to Pennsylvania from Windsor, ON?!?!? Are you JOKING?!?! Anyway, don't even get me started on the ridiculous prices and complete lack of service... sorry for any of you out here that work with Canada post, nothing personal, but my goodness none of you would survive working postal in the US

I have learned to buy my postage online with my US Post service account and I send my mail with my daughter back across the border to be sent out. That same package that was $71 in Canada, $5.70 US funds, 2 days door to door, thank you. LOL
Anyway, my apologies, AGAIN to any of you who work Canada Post. I really don't mean it personally!