Hello everyone, we have just sent our application today through ups next day shipping. I am very happy that the application is finnally on its way. Should expect to see it signed for tomorrow sometime. I was so excited when we were sending the package that my hand was shaking to much for me to write the address and my wife had to write it for me. The only think Im a little worried about is that we could not send call logs because before I went to china I was using calling cards and skype and my computer broke down and I lost the call logs. The call logs from china are hard to get here in Canada, we do have one month for augest but that is all. Im thinking we should send back our sim cards and have one of her friends get the call logs for us. I hope I can still submit them at a later date. Other than that the rest of our evidence was pretty solid I though. we have about 200 pic from trips, friends, brothers wedding, family, we have plane tickets, chat logs, cards from my family that had wedding money in them. We didn't have a wedding ceremony because my family would not be able to make it to china so we decided to have it at a later date. we also submitted the contract we both signed in china for our apartment there, our cell phone contracts here in canada that are signed in my name, letters from my friends and family that atest to our genuine relationship- I think we had around 7 letters. I am thinking to get more letters and send them in. I have a good feeling in my heart and I can feel that everything will work out.
Thanks for listening everyone