This is funny. I've post something on here last night and was looking to see responses this morning but I could not find it. I've just realized that I posted somewhere else

Either I'm getting old or I was really upset last night and didn't realized. Anyway, here is what I posted last night under other topic.
I have read this morning somewhere on this forum about a person whose partner came here on a visitor visa and they applied outland as it is quicker and she is here with him until her visa runs out although they can extent her visitor visa. Now, I'm mad at my lawyer as he did not mentioned this option to us. Even tho he knows how importand it is for me to go and see my family. Because of this god knows how many months I have to wait until I get my residency.
I'm thinking of withdrawing my application and apply outland(they received my application on Monday 6th Feb.) What do you all think? Should I withdraw? I was on a visitor visa and my visa runs out on this Thursday.
I'm confused and annoyed