Hey there guys, I know it isn't immigration related but I just wanted to share some news.

I can't believe this. I just passed out 3 resumes 2 days ago, I get a call back for the place I have really wanted to work right after handing it in, my first job interview was yesterday, and I got a call back saying they would like me to be a part of their team. He said that since I haven't worked in Newfoundland or Canada before that he could get funding from the province to help train me since I have no food experience yet. He said it won't come out of my paycheque just he has to report it on my pay stubs or something of the sort and can get funding. I meet with them tomorrow to give them my SIN number. He said the bad news is, is that it takes 7-10 days for the application to pull through but I said that is fine. (Just leaves me one last break to myself, lol) and that I can't work less than 25-30 hours but that is what I was looking for anyway.
At the end of the conversation, I told him "thank you" and he said "no, thank you and we can't wait for you to be a part of our team".
They all seem so nice there. The woman that interviewed me yesterday was funny and laid back, the other guy working instantly complimented me on my shirt, and the boss/owner is nice. I hope I can pull this off well.
I just wanted to post here so that it gives you all hope that you can do this and that it is all worth it to be with your family here. Never give up on that. I am so happy that things are falling into place for hubby and I. I couldn't be more ecstatic for our new future. And just to think that around this time last year our application was just starting to process, now here I am PR and soon to be new worker. Come on guys, there is a light at the end of this and it is worth it. Stay strong! ;D