Yes, CRA is also a pain in the ...
We moved to Montreal, wanted to give an address change to CRA: "Sorry sir, I can't do an address change for you." "Well, why not?" "Your income tax report hasn't been reviewed yet, so I don't have any information to use to ask you security questions." Note that I have filed them 5 months earlier. "Then how do I receive my letter that you assessed my taxes?" "Well, hopefully you know the new tenant of your old apartment." Unbelievable!
Then they send a notice to my wife that she 'suddenly' has a dept over 2009, because I didn't file any taxes for that year. So I called again, explaining I wasn't living with her in that year, we weren't married yet, and I wasn't even working or doing anything else in Canada except playing tourist for a few weeks. "Well, then we need your foreign income." "I filed that to on the form for GST credit for new residents, something that I was lucky to find, since this is not presented to any immigrant." "No we don't have that information." "It's because you people still didn't open my tax report after 5 months, your people should've kept mine and my wife's tax reports together." "That's not how it works." "In that case you work towards creating paranoia among the people by sending messages about false depts!" "Okay, just ignore this message, it will be reviewed once your taxes have been assessed." About two weeks ago my taxes have been assessed, the new tenant let me know that some mail from the government arrived for me and still no update on her file.
Oh yes... Did I already tell that Revenu Québec is charging us interest (just 10ct. for now, but it's principally ridiculous) over their errors?
@LY: apart from venting some stories about governments in this country, I feel rather good. Easy day, finally fixed my internet connection after 4 days of tweaking, troubleshooting, ranting, repairing and tweaking again. Watched a movie this night and am now doubting between a second movie or sleeping early (my gf is working 2 days out of town).
Great news that you got a job interview coming up! Good luck!