Well I did find this site that let me know that the CIC call centre is actually open to 8:30 pm my time. Woohoo!

Link here:
So anyway I called and he checked, still a decision hasn't been made yet. He said, "We received your application July 16th and you should receive an answer in a couple of weeks" then asked if there was anything else. I guess I got a bit angry by hearing that again and I said, "Even though it has been 10 months?" Then he went on to say, "Yes this is the time it it is taking now." I said, "No it says on the site 9-10 months and I am 10 months and two days" He seemed to be somewhat quiet after that.
I then asked, "Have my background checks been done?" He said, "No they have not." I said, "Well that is funny because my notes say they have already been started." He said, "Well yes they have been started since January 28th" Then I said, "Well that is what I am meaning by asking if they have been done yet not, are they done." I guess it is my fault for not phrasing it right but that is the way I would word it at home. I am just in a crankier mood today though towards them I guess. After that last bit I got off the phone though. I don't really care if I seemed a bit too rude but they have to realize that we all have been waiting a long time and putting our lives on hold so hearing "wait another a couple of weeks for an answer" is really starting to get under my skin. They absolutely refuse to help me because my application was received 3 days past that. Ugh.... I might as well just wait for e-Cas. This is the reason I don't call every day. Not to mention they always ask me "When did you send your application?" My answer: July 13th because that is honestly the day I mailed it off. But then they get all mad at me when they find out the day it was received. Well then don't ask when I sent it then!
I will probably regret this post later for being so whiny and angry (because I am not generally this type of person) but for now I just need to vent. Hope you all understand.