Thanks a lot to all of you, hope my landing goes well, and sorry to be without emotion in my previous message, I just got stolen my wallet with all my info and my husband info, and my daughter info, credit cards, bank info driver liscense, medical card and everything in thereeeee!!! I just wanted to cry. I guess I am now recovering and yes I am happy for my landing.
I applied in January 27 2010 and getting landing interview on April 28th, so I believe the complete process was 1 year and 3 months exact. But I am from Montreal. Always takes longer!!!
I believe I will be moving to my beutifull english provinces anytime,

And of course I will let you know how it goes about my landing interview.
I wish to all of you the best in your process and I am happy to hear that finally CIC is working faster, jejeje!!!
See you again on April 28th?? jeje
By the way, Blacberry how was your landing party?