I am an April -2013 applicant , I received the following email from CIC to provide additional data for my application
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada.
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Please note that your file is in process and will continue to be processed at the Case Processing Pilot-Ottawa (“CPP-O”) office. I am writing you this letter to express my concerns regarding your application.
According to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, applicants in the Canadian Experience Class are assessed on the basis of the pass/fail requirements set out in subsection R87.1(2). The assessment of these criteria determines whether a worker with Canadian experience will be able to become economically established in Canada. The criteria are:
• knowledge of English or French,
• Canadian skilled work experience,
• Canadian educational credentials (for the Post-Graduation Stream only).
I have grounds to believe you have not acquired the claimed work experience as ------------ in Canada, as claimed in your application.
You provided a letter of employment dated March 26, 2013 stating you were employed as ---------- at ----------- since Month 2011. The letter states you earned XX,XXX $ for the year 2012.However, your T4 and income tax report for the year 2012, show employment income of YY,YYY$, which would indicate you have not worked full time, as stated in the letter of employment.
Before I make my final decision, you may submit additional information or documents relating to the above matter. You have until January 18, 2014 to submit additional information to our office at the address shown below
Issue here is there is mismatch between salary in employment letter and in T4 , Actually it is a huge difference what is there in T4 less than 1/3 of what is there in employment letter.
I have provided a explanation letter with my application package , looks they are not considering that.
My Story:
I am an intra-company transferee , Salary in employment letter is sum of the following components :
-Per-Diem received in Canada in Monetary/Cash form.
-Non Cash per Diems such as cost for Accommodation, Transportation etc in Canada paid by directly the employer in Canada – Use of corporate credit card.
But T4 contains only Per-Diem received in Canada in Monetary form as Income , I don’t know even it is right as per Tax laws , Company pay tax in Canada on behalf of me.
As an answer to above letter from CIC , I am planning provide the following
1. Letter of explanation from my side , similar one explained above.
2. Letter from Canada employer to show the break of salary and re iterating the full time employment.(Try to get it)
Anybody have similar experience , Please share .
Any tax experts here , to Know what my company doing is rightas per tax norms , ie claiming only Cash -per diem for tax ?
In Foreign worker manual from CIC http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/fw/fw01-eng.pdf , There is reference that salary can include Cash + Non Cash perdiems.
Do I need to refer this manual in my explanation ?
Do I need to include any letter from any colleagues ?
Any help on this matter is highly appreciated ,
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada.
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Please note that your file is in process and will continue to be processed at the Case Processing Pilot-Ottawa (“CPP-O”) office. I am writing you this letter to express my concerns regarding your application.
According to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, applicants in the Canadian Experience Class are assessed on the basis of the pass/fail requirements set out in subsection R87.1(2). The assessment of these criteria determines whether a worker with Canadian experience will be able to become economically established in Canada. The criteria are:
• knowledge of English or French,
• Canadian skilled work experience,
• Canadian educational credentials (for the Post-Graduation Stream only).
I have grounds to believe you have not acquired the claimed work experience as ------------ in Canada, as claimed in your application.
You provided a letter of employment dated March 26, 2013 stating you were employed as ---------- at ----------- since Month 2011. The letter states you earned XX,XXX $ for the year 2012.However, your T4 and income tax report for the year 2012, show employment income of YY,YYY$, which would indicate you have not worked full time, as stated in the letter of employment.
Before I make my final decision, you may submit additional information or documents relating to the above matter. You have until January 18, 2014 to submit additional information to our office at the address shown below
Issue here is there is mismatch between salary in employment letter and in T4 , Actually it is a huge difference what is there in T4 less than 1/3 of what is there in employment letter.
I have provided a explanation letter with my application package , looks they are not considering that.
My Story:
I am an intra-company transferee , Salary in employment letter is sum of the following components :
-Per-Diem received in Canada in Monetary/Cash form.
-Non Cash per Diems such as cost for Accommodation, Transportation etc in Canada paid by directly the employer in Canada – Use of corporate credit card.
But T4 contains only Per-Diem received in Canada in Monetary form as Income , I don’t know even it is right as per Tax laws , Company pay tax in Canada on behalf of me.
As an answer to above letter from CIC , I am planning provide the following
1. Letter of explanation from my side , similar one explained above.
2. Letter from Canada employer to show the break of salary and re iterating the full time employment.(Try to get it)
Anybody have similar experience , Please share .
Any tax experts here , to Know what my company doing is rightas per tax norms , ie claiming only Cash -per diem for tax ?
In Foreign worker manual from CIC http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/fw/fw01-eng.pdf , There is reference that salary can include Cash + Non Cash perdiems.
Do I need to refer this manual in my explanation ?
Do I need to include any letter from any colleagues ?
Any help on this matter is highly appreciated ,