blueshirt said:
this is a very detailed and complicated response. lets say the person is genuine like you and me among us not into misinterpretation. my question again is can the last entry means person never exited after that knowing the fact canada airport never misses any arival stamp or entry in their database which they match again name and date of birth exact match. will it ease RQ processing
Lets consider the scenario below:
1. I entered (landed) Canada on April 1, 2011 (stamped entry)
2. I traveled to Country A departing March 1, 2014 (and arriving the same date with stamped entry to make this easier to follow).
3. I exited Country A on April 1, 2014 (stamped exit)
4. I arrived in Canada on April 1, 2014 (stamped entry)
To simplify I think you are asking - "If I apply for Citizenship today June 17, 2014 can CIC accept my declaration that I meet the 1095 days with a buffer to account for my trip. This because I never left Canada between April 1, 2011 and March 1, 2014?"
It depends. In most cases CIC will accept your declared residence dates based on your travel. However if you are unemployed/ self employed or any other activity that has potential to fake residence (despite being genuine) with filed taxes showing nil income or such a low income (less than welfare levels) for most or all of the 1095 days that makes it difficult to understand how you survived then CIC will more likely dig into your file!
CIC will review declared dates taking into account your other profile. Consider the residence review as an unofficial matrix - you get 2 points for stamps, 2 points for employment, 2 for genuine NOAs etc. There is a 'total' sum that CIC is happy with (nobody knows what it is), there is one they are unhappy with and there is a borderline. Translate this to No RQ, RQ with recommendation to deny, RQ that will get you a pass on the CJ/ RQ that will see you meet the CJ.