_Harry_ said:
I first created my EE profile back in December when I missed the IELTS points because I got only 6.5 in writing so my total CRS < 400.
I re-took the exam and now my total CRS is 419. I updated the details in my EE with new score and updated profile in job bank.
I am just wondering what more I can do from my end to increase my chances of draw selection.
As these are the maximum points that I can attain in CRS, now what to do from my end for better chances of selection?
Earlier someone told that I can opt for PNP but as per my knowledge, BC and O will give PNP based on my profile in the EE and there is no need or point of contacting these provinces. Kindly enlighten.
Thank you.
Without a job offer or PNP, not much you can do other than languages. If you are at max on English, evaluate if you can learn some French. I have been planning to apply to EE since last years, before all changes that dropped points. I already had great IELTS scores, so I aimed at French. I studied it many years ago, but it had been 15 years since I last used it!!

So I took private lessons for 10 weeks, 3x a week and took the TEF last December. That granted me 14 additional points.
But that is a lot of work if you are at zero language wise. Also TEF only happens few times during the year and takes one month to realease results. You need to evaluate if you believe that scores will continue dropping or start learning French!