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Immigration Advice is now Illegal


Champion Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Re: Immigration Advice is now Illegal !!! ("Seniors" be careful !!!)

MCBoy said:
What is the success rate of PRRA (if u ever heard of it) ?
current is around 1% (was 2-4% earlier across canada)
How can one sponsor a brother who is 24 ?
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/relatives-apply-who.asp#eligible; ask a lawyer
What is TRP and when is it granted ?
Temporary Resident Permit. A TRP is a document that authorizes a person who is inadmissible or does not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or Regulations either as a temporary resident or as a permanent resident to enter or remain in Canada.
What is the success rate of AEO's in Canada now ?
When is Rebuttal evidence exercised in an appeal ??
Rebuttal in law is strict. It cannot be outside the subject matter of the evidence being rebutted. Normally, rebuttal chances are granted by the court, based on the evidence and its record. There should also be an ample time for rebuttal evidence to be analyzed, normally 30 days in appeals.

Brett, drop it. You don't sound like a lawyer. You are kiddish, surrendering during arguments, lack of confidence, and a wrong step to start with!!
He He ;D ;D

Thanks MCBoy.....
Hey brett - where are you man..... MCBOy with 38 posts could answer your queries..... and you are digging people with thousand posts and n # of stars and...... what not....
Why I am wasting my time and space..... basically people (genuine consultants) should not play around with the emotions of the applicants and blame them for the mistakes done by these consultants.....

Cheers, Anil

Naija Pikin

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Re: Immigration Advice is now Illegal !!! ("Seniors" be careful !!!)

anil04_10 said:
He He ;D ;D

Thanks MCBoy.....
Hey brett - where are you man..... MCBOy with 38 posts could answer you queries..... and you are digging people with thousand posts and n # of stars and...... what not....
Why I am wasting my time and space..... basically people (genuine consultants) should not play around with the emotions of the applicants and blame them for the mistakes done by these consultants.....

Cheers, Anil
The BLOODY CHARLATAN has been battered into submission. He is nursing his bloody nose right now. Good job guys, and for the likes of brett, keep off!, we ''TAKE NO PRISONERS''!


Star Member
Oct 8, 2010
Re: Immigration Advice is now Illegal !!! ("Seniors" be careful !!!!)

qorax said:
Hi buddies,

Just saw this thread - Thanks OP for advising us - it really shows your magnanimity... trying to caution us well ahead in time!!! Appreciated Sir.

However, all of us, I think, would yet decide/continue to post here from the RCMP/OPP/CSIS 'detention cells' after being prosecuted by CIC. At least I would - just for kicks!!!

qorax there is no need to get emotional or excited and matter of the fact is

"this law applies to those who have opened consultancy firms but not registered with canadian authorities. they are also charging fees and sometimes ripping off customers.

this definitely not apply to us or those who are offering free services and don't have consultancy firms"

Jan Khan

Dec 14, 2010
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Re: Immigration Advice is now Illegal !!! ("Seniors" be careful !!!!)

brett said:
You know more? Here are 5 questions. Answer me !!
What is the success rate of PRRA (if u ever heard of it) ?
How can one sponsor a brother who is 24 ?
What is TRP and when is it granted ?
What is the success rate of AEO's in Canada now ?
When is Rebuttal evidence exercised in an appeal ??

My friend, cut paste is easy. Try going to school and passing an exam....lol. Just taking Tums for digestion dosen't make you a Doctor :p :p :p :p
Lol, I think Bret needs to know the answer of above questions. He himself is not aware of the answers. Saki (King of Canadian Immigration will reply to your questions in seconds). My suggestion is to read all Saki's, Qorax and PMM posts. You will find the answers of your questions. If you want privacy just PM them. LOLLLL


Dec 21, 2010
Re: Immigration Advice is now Illegal !!! ("Seniors" be careful !!!)

Ha ha ha..

Brett, Check the above submission by senior Qorax. Start looking for another job dear.


brett said:
Sure. w w w. arrivalcanada . com At least I am working to earn...and not like some loser who has all the time in the world to fill this forum !!!!


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Re: Immigration Advice is now Illegal !!! ("Seniors" be careful !!!)

QORAX and the other helpers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

All for one,one for All


Hero Member
Dec 15, 2010
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Re: Immigration Advice is now Illegal !!! ("Seniors" be careful !!!)

Thanks Qorax, you have done another great service to all of us by stopping this troll !!!
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Champion Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Re: A

asdf111 said:
game over....

thread gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Thanks to all ........... Fellow has even changed the heading ......

:eek: :'( Boomeranged with n returns :'( :eek:

Come on bbbbbrrrrreeetttt baijeee ....... kithe guss gaye (where are you hiding)

Cheers, Anil

EDIT - Oh my god, bbbbbrrrrreeetttt has even removed his posts ......ALL ..... 1st post replaced by # ... :-X :eek: :-X


VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
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Re: @

brett said:
For all those offering free advice in this forum (Qorax and Co.) Beware !!!!!!

All those offering advice on Immigration here can be prosecuted by the Crooked Consultants Act. In June, the Conservative government launched the latest attempt at regulation, with the introduction of Bill C-35 into the House of Commons, also known as the Cracking Down on Crooked Consultants Act. The humour couched in the name of the act may suggest to some that this attempt at regulation is disingenuous at worst and self-deprecating at best.

If enacted, the act will provide that no person shall knowingly represent or advise a person for consideration — or offer to do so — in connection with [an immigration proceeding] unless the person is a member in good standing of a law society (i.e., a lawyer), or a member of a body designated by the government.

There are a few points to pull out of that sentence. The prohibition does not require that the person actually provide any advice. Even offering to do so is not allowed. (We'll call that the crime of “attempted consulting.”)

So all those guys adding stars to your profile here by freely offering advice.....Watch Out !!! The stick is coming soon. Its not easy to try and put genuine practitioners out of business by providing alternatives. They have worked hard and aquired the knowledge and experience to practice. You cannot tell people not to hire consultants so easily !!!!!

God Bless you all ....
Yes Anil04_10,

But, thanks to the "3rd reply" on this thread - his words remain - for eternity - as above !!!

Unfortunately he forgot the old adage...
"The Pen is Mightier than the Sword"
One should think twice before writing something...



Champion Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Re: @

Thanks Captain, Explorer and others...You did it once again!! This forum and its members (in touch with few senior GEMS) just rocks!! We have been keep up our united voice against all provocations....and propaganda!!!

The truth had to unveil....and win finally over to the cheat... misleads and conspiracies!!!

Long live our seniors and star members and keep up your good works


Hero Member
Jun 29, 2009
Toronto, ON
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Re: @

Oops. Some one just got a lighting bolt up his/her A**

My answers were from google, cic.gc.ca, laws.justice.gc.ca. Pure internet search. I am an infant compared to the seniors here. Thanks Seniors for your support. I am indebted to you for life!

Knowledge is wealth. Sharing wealth is donation. Deed of donation is divine.


VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Re: @

MCBoy said:
Oops. Some one just got a lighting bolt up his/her A**

My answers were from google, cic.gc.ca, laws.justice.gc.ca. Pure internet search. I am an infant compared to the seniors here. Thanks Seniors for your support. I am indebted to you for life!

Knowledge is wealth. Sharing wealth is donation. Deed of donation is divine.
U did a wonderful job Buddy !



VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Re: @

brett said:
The Pen might me Mightier than the sword, but the sword of Law is above all. History always shunned people who tried to caution others until too late. I tried to warn you and you all attacked me personally. What was the necessity of posting all about Arrival Canada out in the open? Why can't you take this as a friendly piece of advice?
For exactly the same reason, as to why u posted the OP -- to caution others! Thought u'd appreciate that !?!



Champion Member
Jan 30, 2010
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Re: @

brett said:
The Pen might me Mightier than the sword, but the sword of Law is above all. History always shunned people who tried to caution others until too late. I tried to warn you and you all attacked me personally. What was the necessity of posting all about Arrival Canada out in the open? Why can't you take this as a friendly piece of advice?
Members of CISC are not full fledged lawyers. They are at the most diploma holders and how inefficiently they work is no secret from anyone. I would not rate them much above para legal, they cant be enrolled as members of bar. Looks like you are too weak in interpretation of law or you deliberately choose to hide the relevant facts. You errornously miscalculated the indepth knowledge of members of this forum. Now it would be prudent for you not to justify your misrepresentation. For that act always remember :- No consideration, no complainant and the prosecution can not start. You must have heard 1000's of complaints made by people whereby they had been cheated by consultants engaged in immigration business, did any one here made a complaint to you that he had been cheated by any member of this forum. Why you have grudge aganst the members who are giving free advice to other members? You would have to raise your mental level to understand that not only free suggestions are given here but personal assistance ( physical) is also provided by the landed members to new members who have landed or about to land. Just because you are in immigration business it does not mean that only you or your former collegues only have the right to give advice after getting money.

There was malice on your part when you wrote your post and you are still continuing with it. Contents were not written without personal bias. Better do not now justify your wrong actions. Without any reason you attacked the integrity of members of this forum. Now question of you being friendly does not arise and do not consider yourself to be part of history or any sacrifice you did for the members of this forum by informing about the new law. You did not simply reproduced the law here, you misinterpreted to suit you and rather than caution you threatened others. That law was in pipe line from many years, it was take up by immigration minister with chief minister of punjab on every visit and in the last visit few months back and is meant for cheat agents in the area where you originally belong( Doaba area). They make forged documents and file in Canadian Consulate at Chandigarh.

When you think of members here then do also think that some members here can have legal background also having vast legal experience and they are in process with National Committee on Accreditation (FLS) and they cant be fooled by your misrepresentation of legal interpretation. Dont teach us law here, we already know it. Interpertation of law is not same as your education in Botany, Hotel Management and so called family business. It takes years of understanding with hard work and you just started in 2004 and now it is THE END after the order of Disclipine Council. Wish to check, below is the opportunity:-

We the landed members are going to meet in 3rd week of Jan 2011 in Toronto. You are still welcome to come in meeting.